Chaprer 15 (V2)

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The scene opens up to a close view of Ebony's feet as she runs through the trees while avoiding tons of bullets.

Ebony: (panicking) "She found me… She found me…"

One combatant catches up with her and tackles her to the ground. Ebony screams and quickly reaches for a dagger that is stored on the side of her right boot and starts stabbing her enemy on the side with desperation until the man stops moving. She pushes the bandit off her, storing the dagger by her boots and picking up her bow before running off again, leaving the dead body behind while dodging the barrage of bullets.

Ebony: (mentally) "Lapis… Onyx…"

She shot an arrow behind her, managing to hit one more of the pursuing bandits, this time, directly to the head and electrocuting him. Midnight, who is blended among the pursuers, sees the dead bodies of the people he hired.

Midnight: "She's good."

Heavy rain started pouring over Mistral. Ebony brings out her Scroll while sprinting, quickly typing a message to Onyx.

Ebony: "Please…"

She clicks the send button before a bullet goes through her Scroll, destroying it.

Ebony: "Damn it all!"

The scene changes to a different part of the forest in Mistral with a Scroll taking all the rainwater while it rests on the ground. Slashing and grunting noises are heard in the background. The Scroll lights up, showing a message from the ID "Ebony, Haven Academy, Team [Blank]" with the message "Hunters". The scene slowly pans to the area where the Scroll is on, revealing Onyx fighting a group of combatants, killing them one by one, his sword emitting tons of purple electricity.

Onyx: "They're not running out!"

More combatants fall to the floor, revealing Ludio, who has a smirk on his face.

Ludio: "It seems that some employer is thirsty for your blood tonight to get these bunch o' fools after you, my friend!"

The scene changes back to Ebony now entering a very small village, consisting of only five cabins. Four out of the five cabins lit up as the residents came out from their homes due to the noise.

Villager 1: "Ebony? What's going on?"

Ebony starts waving at them frantically.

Ebony: "Run away from here!"

The residents start to grow confused until Ebony's enemies emerge from the trees and are running towards the small isolated village.

Ebony: “Get out of here!”

Another villager, who is holding a sword, approaches Ebony.

Villager 2: “What about-”

The villager suddenly stops talking as a bullet went through his chest, dropping him to the floor in an instant. Ebony gasps and screams at the villagers, her voice cracking.

Ebony: “Leave!”

The villagers, who are filled with fear, run away from the village, some carrying their children. Ebony faces back and shoots a barrage of Fire Dust arrows, creating a wall of flame at the entrance of the set of establishments. She turns around and enters the cabin facing the entrance of the village.

The wall of flames she created were suddenly extinguished, revealing Midnight’s spear on the ground, glowing Icy Blue, indicating Ice Dust was used.

Midnight: “She’s cornered. Get her.”

The remaining combatants start entering the now vacated village, entering the nearby houses except for the last one.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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