Chapter 14 (V1 Finale)

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Blake: "So you want to know more about me."

Umbra: "Us."


Sun: "Finally, they speak! Nearly two days and you've given me nothing but small talk and weird looks!"

Umbra and Blake firmly looks at Sun.

Sun: "Yeah, like that."

Dandelion: "But I talk to you."

Dandelion raises her hand.

Sun: "Yeah, but I mean these two."

Sun points at the Cat and Wolf Faunus.

Blake: "Sun... Are you familiar with the White Fang?"

Sun: "Of course! I don't think there's a Faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them. Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks, if you ask me!"

Umbra: "I guess that's their reputation now…"

Blake points at Umbra.

Blake: "We were once a member of the White Fang."

Dandelion's fox tail points up as she makes a surprised expression while Sun chokes on his drink.

Dandelion: "What?!"

Sun: "Wait a minute, you two were a member of the White Fang?!"

Umbra: "Yes, me and Blake were members our whole lives. I guess you can consider us being born as a member of the organisation."

Umbra sips on her tea before continuing.

Umbra: "From what my mother said, the White Fang was meant to be a symbol of peace and unity between Humans and the Faunus, my family worked so hard to try and achieve it. Well, they thought- my mother thought they achieved it: The promised equality between Humans and Faunus, but they didn't. The Faunus were always subjected to hate and even discrimination. My family still kept their status of royalty, but lost a lot of their power because of it. We gave the power to Blake's father.. We just became a part of it now, well mother chose to… But our desire for equality never faded, we helped the White Fang rise up and be part of the voice of us Faunuses. I was there. Blake was there."

A silhouette of Faunus protestors showed and among them are a certain cat and wolf Faunus, carrying their own sign.

Umbra: "I remember me and Blake being at the front of every rally conducted, every boycott. Everywhere, because I desired peace. I thought our efforts made a difference, but I didn't know how wrong I was."

The blue flag of a white wolf with sad eyes and a circle behind its head is lowered, and raised in its stead is a red monster with three bloody scratches and teeth.

Umbra: "The leader of that time stepped down and was replaced by someone with a different way of thinking. That resulted in the loss of the flag that showed pity and was replaced by one that showed aggression."

Umbra bits on her lip and continues.

Umbra: "Our peaceful protests were being replaced with organised attacks, setting fire to shops that refused to serve Faunuses, and hijacking cargo from companies that used Faunus labour, like the SDC. The worst part of all of this is it was working. We were being treated like equals. But not out of respect... out of fear."

Umbra took a deep breath as Blakes held her hand to keep her composed.

Umbra: "My family didn't want involvement in those attacks, so we kept to ourselves and served the people in Menagerie instead. But I grew tired of it, I didn't want to be part of the organisation anymore, so I left to become a huntress. Blake left because she doesn't want her skill to be used for such violence.

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