Chapter 50

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I could barley sleep, I stayed up thinking of why lando was acting this way. I know he's stressed but he's never like this. It was a rainy day today in Monaco, and the thunder kept waking Olivia.

I took her to the living room, shut the blinds and held her in my arms until she fell asleep again. It was currently 4:45am, and I decided to just stay on the sofa. I wrapped Olivia in her blanket and tried to soothe her so she wouldn't wake. When I left the room lando was fast asleep.

I turned on the electric fireplace to keep us warm, and turned the tv on very low as I watched Netflix. Eventually I found myself asleep again.

Carlos POV
My alarm rang this morning at 5:45, it was time to head off on my run. The race yesterday was unfortunate but i used it as motivation to get better. I was ready to leave McLaren, and focused on doing well at Ferrari.

I stretched before throwing on my sweatpants and a t shirt and walk out of my room. Immediately I could tell it was raining, the sun wasn't exactly out yet. On the sofa I saw Tina and Olivia. I paused as I looked out how sweet they slept on the sofa. Tina is such an amazing mother, I can't believe she's grown this much. I suppose Olivia was having trouble sleeping and they came out here.

I walked over and slightly tapped on Valentina's shoulder.
"Let me help you" I whisper so I don't wake Olivia. Valentina nods and hands me Olivia. I cradle her into my arms and cover her. She moves slightly but immediately falls asleep. In my arms she's the tiniest baby ever. So beautiful, so peaceful. I kiss her cheek and smile as I admire her. Valentina then yawns and leans her head against my shoulder.

"Get some rest Tina, you deserve it" I say and lean over and kiss her head.

I change the channel and watch the recap of the race. I guess my training can wait. I'll be leaving soon again and will miss out on these moments with my sister and niece. I should enjoy every moment I can.

Valentina POV
I woke up about an hour later. I noticed Olivia was still asleep in Carlos arms. He smiles as I sat up.
"Thanks chili for helping out" I smile back.
"Anytime" he replies.

I stretch and walk over to the kitchen to brew some coffee for us. I have a feeling I'll be stuck indoors for today because of the weather.

Carlos lays Valentina down on the sofa so she can be more comfortable and I hand him his mug of coffee. We watch the ending of the race and he explains to me the entire process.

"So have you talked to lando?" Carlos asks.
I shake my head, "haven't had the chance" I reply.
"Hmm" is all he replies with.
"Maybe tonight. I don't plan on leave the apartment because of the rain, and I assume lando will stay in" I reply.
"Fine with me. Isa is also planning to come over later and spend the night, so we'll be here"
I nod and finish up my coffee.

Olivia wakes so I get up to prepare us some breakfast. Lando still isn't up, I'm assuming he'll still have a hangover. I don't mind him having fun I just felt he was irresponsible.


It was after breakfast and lando still wasn't awake. Carlos headed out to meet his friends for some tennis, leaving us behind.

I sat with Olivia on the living room floor and we played with her toys.

"Te quiero princesa" I smiled at her.
"Ma-ma" she said slowly.
"Good job amor" I said holding back my tears. I leaned down to her can kissed her cheek as she clapped for herself.

Moments like these that I wished to share with lando. But of course he wasn't here. Even though I tried to hide it, I was upset with him. Why wasn't he spending time with Olivia like he always wanted to? What was his problem?

Olivia and I hung out together until it was time for her nap. I put her down in her crib and gave her the bottle. As I was walking out I heard lando yawn and begin to wake up.

"What time is it?" He says.
"Are you serious lando?" I roll my eyes and walk out.

He follows me to the living room where we sit down.
"What's wrong?" He asks
"What's wrong is you coming home late, drunk, and not even trying to spend the time you wanted with your daughter!" I say annoyed.
He tenses up.
"Why are you pissed off? I had a terrible race and needed some space"
"I understand. But you couldn't even give me a call or let me know. I was worried all afternoon for you. You're not like this lando, we're supposed to be getting married soon and I don't get why you're so distant"
He clenches his jaw.
"I don't know either."
I scrunch my eyebrows and throw the nearest pillow at him, shaking my head.

He sits back and scrolls on his phone, ending the conversation.
"Have you thought about what I asked you?"
"Nope" he replies.
"Lando, please talk to me. It's all i want. We need to give Carlos his space back. I owe it to him, I-"
"Fine! I will. I'm grabbing my things and sleeping at my place tonight. You can decide if you want to come along"
"That's not the solution. How are we going to squeeze in with all your friends. We have Olivia, it's not that easy to just-"
"I don't get what you want. I'm trying my best. I'm stressed out all the time. The pressure I have with the team and being away from you all. I just can't take it. I need some space, Zak invited me to a training camp with the team. I think it's best if I go rather than stay here. Maybe we need space"
"More space? But fine. Do whatever you want lando. You always do" I say holding back my tears and walking away to the room. I lock myself in the room as I cry.

Why is he doing this to us? Everything was so perfect.

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