chapter 18

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"I had so much fun. Thank you both for inviting me" I say to p and lando as we sit on the sofa back at the apartment. We were watching tv and having some drinks. I genuinely did have a lot of fun.
"We're glad you came" p pulls me into a hug.

Suddenly the doorknob jiggles and we all turn to face the door. I panic a bit, who could it be? Max stands up and we stay behind him.
"Shh" he signals.
The door widens and reveals Carlos. I calm down, but then I remember he shouldn't be back. He stands there with a brace on his knee, and with crutches.
"Carlos? What are you doing back so soon?" I say as I stand up to help him.
"And what happened to you?!"
"Wow no hi or hug first?" He jokes. I shake my head and pull him in for a hug.

I help him to the sofa where he sits and relaxes.
"I didn't want you to worry so I didn't tell you before, but I fractured my knee so I couldn't race. Instead of wasting my time over there, I decided to come back early" he explains.
"And what happened? How'd you fracture it?"
"Umm, I was just playing futbol with some friends and I was tackled too hard" he says.
"Yes, you don't believe me?"
"No, no I do. I just can't believe it was over something so dumb" I say.
"Yeah" he gives a small chuckle. Something tells me this isn't the full story but I'm not going to pressure him into telling me.

We change the subject and catch up on how things went while he was away. Clearly we had a lot of fun, and I'm glad they stayed with me. I almost forgot about the situation with Fernando. We hung out for a bit more and then max and p decided to head home so Carlos could have his bed back. We thanked them and said goodbye as before they left.

Since it was late, we decided to get ready for bed.

"I have the day off tomorrow, maybe we should go hang out, just the two of us" Carlos smiled as he sat at the eve of his bed.
"I'd like that" I reply.
"Okay. Buenas noches tina"
"Buenas noches chili. Im glad you're okay" I smile and walk over to hug him. I kiss his cheek and walk back to my room.


A few days later.
Since Carlos's knee is broken, he hasn't been going to train. I've been taking him to physical therapy, and he's making a quick recovery. It sucks seeing that he can't be doing what he loves, but what can we do? I haven't seen lando, nor do I plan on it. It was silly for my to think that someone in his position would even want to be with me. I don't know how I feel for it. It's better this way. I don't want to see him.

"I think you should go out, have some fun. You've been taking good care of me these past few days. I feel bad" Carlos sighs as we're eating lunch.
"Wow you don't like hanging out with me right?" I joke.
"No no it's not that. I just want you to also go out and have your own time and fun. Go out with P, Max, or...lando"
I pause and make a face. But I quickly realize I never told him we stopped talking.
"Why do you say that? I thought you didn't want me to"
"Oh well, I mean. I'm just saying like you all usually hang out so maybe go out with them. Have fun like you usually do"
"I don't know. I'll have to ask P" I reply.

I grab my phone and text her. Like always, she answers quickly and tells me that we should go back to the club.

"Okay, I have plans now" I smile and set my phone down.
"Good. I'm glad" he replies.


"I'll be back chili. Call me if you need anything, I'll come back right away" I say to Carlos, placing a kiss on his cheek.
"I'll be fine. Have fun please, prométeme?" He pouts.
"I promise. See you later" I smile.

I walk out of his room and out to the living room. I grab my purse and fix my hair before heading out. I take an Uber over to max and p's apartment so we can head over together. We're going to a new club tonight, so they asked me to meet up with them.

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