chapter 2

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Carlos POV
After not being able to sleep last night, I was feeling unprepared for the race today. I don't understand why Valentina is acting the way she is, she was never like this. I feel terrible by what she said, did she really feel that I abandoned her?

I hear a knock in my changing room and get up to open the door. I smile as I'm greeted by my parents.

"Buenos días, I didn't know you were coming" I say, hugging my father. I kiss my mothers cheek and let them inside.
"Well, we wanted to surprise you" my mother says.
"Where Tina?" I look around as I realize she's not here.
"Probably with her boyfriend. We didn't tell her we were coming, I think she needs some space, she's out of control Carlos" my father says.
I shake my head.
"You should have told her you were coming. I understand, but I think she just feels distanced, you need to spend more time with her not apart" I say. I can tell that they didn't expect me to respond this way, and they don't say anything.

"Perdon, I just feel bad. The good thing is there's no race this weekend for her birthday, so I'm planning to go home and see her" I smile.
"That would be great, she'd love that" my mother says. I nod as I take a seat and we begin to discuss the race.

Valentina POV
I wake up to the sound of thunder. I turn around and realize I'm still in bed with Fernando. I have the worst headache ever, I rarely get hungover. I try and slowly get up to look for some pain medication. I accidentally wake up Fernando, who yawns and proceeds to smile as he sees me.

"Buenos días"
"Buenos días Fer" I smile back.
"Are you okay?" He asks me, as he makes a confused look.
"I just have a headache. Do you have any pain medicine?"
"Ah, yes I do" he says as he gets up and walks to his bedroom. He comes back with a small bottle, and pours a cup of water from the counter.
"Gracias" I say as I take the water and pill from his hand. I'm still feeling slightly dizzy as well, must be the pill.

"Maybe we should go have some breakfast, it'll make you feel better" he says. I nod. We walk out to the kitchen, and he looks out the window.
"Mis papas must have left. Their car isn't here" he says walking back over to me. I nod as I take a seat on the stool.

We end up deciding to have some pancakes. He asks the housekeeper to make some, and we walk over to the living room. I lay against him as he turns the tv on. Of course the first thing to come on is the Grand Prix.

"I forgot that was today" he says turning up the volume. They currently show the teams getting ready as they walk through the pits. Suddenly they pass by the mclaren pits. The camera pauses for a second as they find my brother. In the corner I see something I'm so surprised to see. My parents.
"Wow. They didn't even think to tell me they were leaving, I can't believe it" I shake my head.
"Maybe they left you a note at home" Fernando says.
"A note? That's stupid. A call would have been great, even a text" I roll my eyes as the camera walks away.

The housekeeper brings us over the food and places it on the center table.
"Muchas gracias Pati, it smells amazing" I say to her. She smiles back.
"You don't have to thank her it's her job" Fernando says as she walks away.
"She's also a person, nothing wrong with being nice" I say back. He shrugs it off and we begin eating.


A few hours later after hanging out, I decide I want to go home. I still have a headache and I just want to lay in bed.
"I'll see you later amor" I say to Fernando. He nods and pulls me in for a kiss.
"Adios Tina" he says to me. He waves as I walk across the driveway and onto the street.

My house is a few blocks down, so it's not too far. I walk inside and find an empty house. I walk to my room to take a shower and change out of these clothes from yesterday.

I play some music as I shower, taking my time. I try and calm myself down. I finish showering and change into shorts and a tank top. I walk back out to the living room and am greeted by our housekeeper, Gloria, who has the tv on.
"I'm so sorry miss, I was just excited to see your brother" she said nervously getting up from the couch.
"Esta bien. Don't worry, you can sit. I'll watch it with you" I smile and motion for her to calm down. She smiles back as I sit beside her. She has the Grand Prix on, and the race is yet to begin.
"It's so weird seeing Carlos in tv. I remember when you two were so tiny and used to play around in the mud until you got in trouble" she laughs.
"It is weird. I can't believe you remember, those were fun times" I laugh with her.
"You just be a proud sister. I know Carlos was always trying to do everything so perfect. And everytime he would come home, you were there to support him and remind him of just having fun and being a normal boy"

I nod as I reminisce. I continue to think about what she said, and I realize she's right. My eyes begin to get watery, I quickly wipe them so she doesn't see. I pull out my phone quickly.


hola chili, perdóname ☹️

tina, im so glad you're okay.

I am. im sorry about everything, how I've been acting. pls forgive me, I just miss you so much

y yo a ti❤️. ill see you very soon though, just try to behave and be better, that's all I ask. I don't want you to get hurt...

Ik. Buena suerte hermanito, te quiero ❤️

gracias tina, I love you too❤️

I smile and I feel a bit of relief. Like a weight off my shoulders. I run over to the kitchen and grab some snacks. I hand Gloria a plate for her to serve herself. She smiles, and for once I feel at peace.

The race begins, and I couldn't think of a better way to watch it.


The race ends, with Carlos ending in P4, for his first race with McLaren it's amazing. Gloria and I cheer as if Carlos could hear us. We laugh at how silly we must look.

"I should probably go finish the errands your mother left me" Gloria says standing up.
"Thanks for watching with me. I had a good time" I smile helping her pick the trash up. She gives me a warm smile and begins to walk away. I make my way towards the stairs.
"Senorita Valentina ?"   She turns to look at me.
"I just wanted you to know that I know deep down what a great heart you have. You're so kind and generous, you always have been. I know that you and your parents haven't been seeing she to eye, but I'm sure things will work out for you. You just need to find the right people to guide you" she smiles.
"Gracias, I appreciate that" I smile and nod. I walk up the stairs and into my room.

I lay in bed and then the tv on. My phone rings with a FaceTime, I look at the screen and get excited.

FaceTime call from: Hermanito ❣️


I KNOWW! I'm so excited!!

Gloria and I were just watching together, im so proud of you hermanito !

I'm glad you were. Gracias Valentina. I'm glad I finally got to see your smile

"Hey Carlos I just came to-" I hear someone say in the background. I see half of a face of a boy, with small curls.
"Lando knock next time please" Carlos laughs. I see him quickly hide the phone.

Ah so his name is lando...

"Oooh Carlos has a girlfriend? Who is it? Let me see" the boy laughs. I laugh as well, forgetting I'm on the call.
"Let me-" the boy says before the call is hung up.

Typical Carlos. But I almost forgot no one really knew about me, I guess it's why Carlos hid the phone. He seemed funny and kind, and I loved his accent. I wished I could meet Carlos friends. I'm sure Carlos will call back later, if not hopefully for my birthday.

I set my phone down to charge, and then the tv volume up a bit. I throw my blanket on and get comfortable. The pain pill is wearing off a bit so my headache is causing me to get sleepy.

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