Chapter 47

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It felt so good to have lando back home. Our little family all together again even if it was for a few days. I wanted to spend as much time together as we could, and enjoy our time. But I also knew that he had to work, and it was also important for him to rest a few days.

Today I took advantage of the fact that he was home and went out on a morning run with Carlos. I let lando know that I was heading out and left him sleeping again with Valentina.

Carlos and I stretched down in the lobby, and headed off. It was a beautiful sunny day in Monaco, perfect for a run. Carlos loved running, and I slowly was becoming much better at it and could finally keep up.

We ran a good 3 miles, because we didn't have much time, and talked the entire way. It wasn't a quick pace, so we were able to talk. I listened to him go on and on about Isa, and it made me happy knowing that he found someone to accompany him. It felt good to have my brother back too, I missed him so much. And I know he hasn't been having the best time with the team over at McLaren due to the car issues. I hope they resolve it quick because Carlos is very talented and I feel terrible that he's suffering.

After our run we head back to the lobby. We order our protein shakes at the gym to fuel up.

"Cheers" we laugh as we clink our cups together and walk back upstairs.

We enter quietly, to not wake anyone.

I finish my protein shake as Carlos sits by the living room watching a tennis match. I then head to the kitchen and begin making breakfast for everyone. A light meal since the boys have to follow their diets. Once he finishes his drink he heads to his room to shower and get dressed.

Halfway through, lando appears with Olivia in his arms. I smile at the sight of them two together.

"Good morning baby" Lando smiles and kisses my lips causing Valentina to giggle.
"Morning Lan. And buenos días amor" I kiss her cheek.

"I really need to learn some Spanish don't I?" Lando laughs as he sits in front of me at the barstool. He places Olivia in his lap as they both watch me.
"I've been trying to convince you. Soon Livy will be the one teaching you" I reply.
"That's true. But Carlos has also been teaching me"
"Oh I'm sure he has. Probably teaching you all the cuss words, right?" I raise my eyebrow.
"Maybe" he smirks.

I shake my head and finish cooking.

Once I finish, lando sets Olivia in her high chair, and helps me set the table for breakfast. Eventually Carlos joins us and we all sit down to have our meal.

Olivia is in the happiest mood today, he keeps looking up at Lando and Carlos. I'm sure she loves having more people around, not just us two. Every other week P and Max come over for breakfast, but it's not the same.

Lando helps me feed her small bits of what we're having. Now that she eats more solids it's easier than just the bottle.


"So I was thinking we could do something today. Just you and I? We have a few days to bring Livy with us but I also want to spend time with just you" lando says to me. I smile and look over at him before leaning over and kissing his lips.
"I'll take that as a yes?"
"I'd love that" I reply.
"Good. Why don't you go get ready? I'll put Olivia down for her nap" he explains. I nod and head over to the room.

Lando POV
I've been so tired lately and was glad to be back home. But I know it's not fair to Valentina and Olivia if I chose to sleep all day. I owe it to both of them to try and spend the quality time together. Earlier Carlos agreed to watch Olivia for a few hours while I took Valentina out.

While Tina got ready, I made sure to get Olivia down for her nap. I changed her diaper and took her into my arms. I grabbed her bottle and laid her down in my arms, rocking her slightly to sleep.

"I love you princess. Sweet dreams" I whisper to Olivia as she begins to nod off.

Once she's finally asleep I lay her carefully in her crib and turn the baby monitor on. I get myself ready as well for our date. Since it was sort of last minute it wasn't anything big but I just wanted time alone with Tina.


Valentina POV
Lando held my hand as we drive off out of the city.

We left Carlos with Valentina and he was more than ready to watch her himself. He actually seemed excited.

I felt weird leaving her home but was more than happy to spend the time with lando. Just looking at him made me fall in love more. I smiled as I looked out the window and let the wind breeze through the sunroof.

We finally arrived at our destination. It was a very quiet spot out on the pier. There wasn't many people out here, it was much more private. We had to go through security and check in just to enter. The perks of dating a formula one racer I suppose.

Lando parked the car and opened my door for me. We walked hand in hand as he led me down toward the sand. He had a bag in one hand which contained a small blanket and a few other things. I helped him set up our mini picnic and then we took a seat.

I leaned my head on his shoulder as we looked out toward the water. At first it was a nice peaceful quiet, just enjoying the waves. It felt like we both needed the small time of quietness. I turned his head softly with my hand and kisses his lips softly and held on long. He smiled causing me to blush.
"I love you baby" I whisper to him.
"I love you more" he winks, and kisses my once again. I feel his hand come behind my back and he pulls me on top of him.

I gently run my hand through his hair as we don't break apart the kiss. If we weren't in public I'd rip his shirt right off, but we contained ourselves. At least tried. I suddenly felt him harden beneath me causing us to pause and both laugh. He blushes, and I smiled.

"I know I know. Not here" he laughs and leans our heads against each other. I was about to move off before he stopped my.
"Just stay here until I- you know" he smiles. I nod.

I pour is each a glass of champagne and I lean my body against his and we begin to discuss the wedding. It had been awhile, and I almost thought it would never happen but here we are.

We thought of many different ideas and ways, but kept running into an issue. I really wanted to marry him and finally be able to spend the rest of our lives together. But it felt like the I universe was against us.

sainz sisterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon