Chapter 48

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"Morning baby, I'm heading off to a meeting with Zak and the team. I'll be back" lando whispers as I feel his lips kiss my forehead.
"Sounds good. I love you"
"Love you too" he smiles. I yawn and stretch.

It was early in the morning and Olivia wasn't up yet. I decided to wake up and take advantage of the time. I showered and got dressed and then cleaned our room up a bit.

I then walked to the living room where Carlos sat to my surprise.
"Oh, I thought you'd be going with lando, don't you have a meeting?"
"Nope. Just fixing something on his car, so I didn't see the reason in going if it won't improve me car" Carlos said and I could tell he was hurt.
"Sorry for asking"
"No it's not your fault. I'm sorry, just having a rough morning" he gives me a small smile and walks up to hug me causing me to smile back.

I head to the kitchen and make us some breakfast. Some simple waffles, since Olivia can now try out certain solids I wanted her to try some waffles when she wakes.

I serve our plates and we sit beside each other.
"So can I ask something, without offending?" He clears his throat.
"Sure" I raise my eyebrow.
"Have you and lando talked about the wedding. Or you know plans for the future, when you're getting your own place maybe? Not that I'm kicking you out-"
"Carlos, I-"
"No I don't mean it because I want you out. Ive just been thinking. You know both you and Olivia deserve your own space, not to be cooped up in one room"
"I honestly hadn't thought much about it. I know lando and I paused on the wedding for now. It's just been crazy with the race schedule"
"I get that. But while he's here you could go look at apartments or something"
"I'll talk to him" I smile.
"Again, I don't want to kick you out. But in also thinking of possibly vacating the apartment soon. You know summer break is coming up and I spend most of my time in Madrid now with Isa. And there's also something else I want to tell you. But you have to promise not to say" he tells me in a serious tone.
"I promise"
"Not even to lando"
"I won't I won't" I smile.
"After summer break I'll be joining Scuderia Ferrari" he says with a big smile.
"Oh my! No way! This is amazing news for you Carlos. I'm so happy for you" I pull him into a big hug and kiss his cheek. I know how big of an opportunity this is for him and he seems so happy.
"Thank you Tina. I know, I'm excited too. I can't wait to get a fresh start" he explains. I nod.
"It'll be good. Obviously sucks you and lando not being on the same team. But we'll always still be family" I say
"Yes i really like lando and have a lot of respect for him. But I also want what's best for you Tina. Please talk to him" he says.
"I will"

We continue eating breakfast and eventually Olivia had woken so I bring her to join us.

Carlos was right. It was time to start thinking of our own place. I was starting to feel bad actually. Besides buying groceries and cleaning around , we weren't helping much with the bills. I know Carlos had said it was fine but it still felt wrong. And Olivia is about to turn one, she'll soon be walking and crawling and will need her own space. She can't sleep in a crib forever.

I planned to talk about it with lando when he returned. We should at least have a plan.


Lando returned about two hours later. Carlos had gone out for his run when lando arrived so I thought it was a good moment. He sat beside Olivia and I on the sofa and kissed her cheek causing her to giggle. They played with her toys as we watched tv.

"Lan..can we talk about something?"
"What's wrong?"
"I've just been thinking. You know Livy is growing every day. You and I are growing in our relationship so much too. And I was wondering if maybe it was time to get our own place. Olivia can have her own bedroom, we'll have more room. And we won't just be crashing with my brother"
"I hadn't thought of it. But we can always move back to my place if we're in his way"
"No that's not what I mean- that's not the point"
"Hmm. Well I hadn't thought of it. And honestly I'm a bit tired from this meeting, so can we talk later?" He says.
I sigh, "sure".

He winks at me and lays back as he closes his eyes. I can't believe him right now. But part of me feels bad because I know he's been very tired and busy lately. But so have I trying to raise Olivia on my own.


It was later in the afternoon, and I had made plans with Pietra to go out. Since lando was here we agreed he could watch Olivia while I went out and had some girl time with P. I had just fed Olivia dinner and made my way to get dressed up. Lando was still resting, and I figured he'd wake before I left. Carlos kept an eye on Olivia in the meantime.

Once I was ready I walked back over and lando was still asleep. I waited about half an hour, and nothing. I felt terrible waking him, he must really be tired. But I was running late for P.

"Tina, just go. I'll watch Olivia for now. You deserve some fun" Carlos says as he plays with Olivia on the floor.
"You sure?"
"Yes! Just go" he smiles.
"Te quiero!" I reply before heading out.

Carlos POV
I watched Olivia for about another hour before deciding to wake lando. I love my niece but it's not fair to Tina that she does all the work and lando can't help out one day. Besides it was about time for bed, so I figured he could take over. I carry Tina over and begin to pat him until he wakes.

He yawns and stretches, "what?" Is all he says.
"Aren't you going to watch your daughter?" I say
"Where's Valentina?" He looks around confused.
"She left almost an hour ago. You agreed to watch Olivia, so do your part as her father" I hand her to him and walk away after kissing her cheek.
"I was tired geez. Sorry"
"Don't you think she's tired too? Of raising Olivia all on her own. She does it everyday, at least help her out with one night" I snap back and shut my door. He deserves to hear the truth.

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