chapter 4

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the next morning.

I was going to do my best to ignore everything that happened yesterday. It was my 22nd birthday and nothing was going to ruin it.

"Felicidades a ti, cumpleaños feliz" I hear as I wake up. I get up and smile as I see my brother and sister walk in with a pancake, which has a lit candle.

I pout as they walk towards me and place the plate in front of me.
"Make a wish hermanita" blanca says.

I make my wish and blow the candle out as they both cheer and hug me.
"Los amo. I'm so happy we're back together" I say as I hug them both. I turn and kiss them both on the cheek. As the youngest I was always very pampered by them.
"Me too. I'm sorry that we've grown apart" Carlos says.
"What matters is going forward, we're all going to work to become close again" Blanca replied. We all agree and eventually dig into the pancake.

"We have a big day ahead of us. So let's get ready" Blanca says pulling me up and out of bed.
I sigh and walk over to the kitchen so we can have an official breakfast. My parents sit at the table, stand up as soon as I walk in.

"Valentina, feliz cumpleaños. We love you so much" my father says kissing my forehead.
"Gracias papi" I reply hugging him.
"Tina, we're so proud of you. Feliz cumpleaños hija" my mother says hugging me as well.

I sit down at the table with them, and my siblings follow. It's been years since we all sat down like this. Even on Christmas, we hadn't because either my father was working or Blanca was with her husbands family. I could tell it was going to be a good weekend already since we were back together again.


It was now closer to the afternoon, and we had been getting ready for the party. Since it was last minute we were only inviting my friends and my siblings closest friends. My parents planned to leave for the afternoon so we could party. People began to arrive, and he excitement took over.

My friends and I began to dance as the DJ arrive, and let the night officially begin. Of course us Sainz siblings knew how to party, our friends used to have parties all the time. It came natural.

Halfway through, and a few drinks later, things took a turn. I felt a tap on my shoulder as I moved on the dance floor. I turned to face Fernando.

"Feliz cumpleaños guapa" he said leaning over to kiss me.
I put my hands out and held him back, causing him to make a confused look.
"What's wrong?"
"Fernando, we literally just fought yesterday. You told me to fuck off. I really don't want to see you right now" I say turning around.
"Okay, first of all, don't turn your back to me. And second-" he says putting his arm around my waist and turning me around.
"It was just a small fight. Don't be so dramatic, please" he said. I rolled my eyes.
"You look so sexy tonight amor, please let me stay" the more he talked, the more I could hear his slurs. He leaned over and placed a sloppy kiss on my lips.
"Fernando, you're already drunk. We're not having this conversation when you're like this" I push him away.
"Hey! Don't lay your hand on me like that" he yells, shoving me.
"Fernando! Get away from my sister pendejo!" I hear Carlos yell. He runs over, Fernando turns around and tries to hit him. Carlos stops him and punches him.
"Carlos! Stop! Just let him go" I yell.
"Yeah, fuck all of this! You're all insane" Fernando says getting up, he covers his bloody nose and walks away towards the exit.

The music is too loud that only few people around us noticed.
"I'm sorry hermanita, but he should never have pushed you or put his hands on you like that" Carlos says, he wipes my tears.
"Can we just move on? It's my day today and I don't want it to get worse" I say trying to shrug it off. Carlos nods and turns around. I walk over to find my friends.


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Eventually people begin to leave, I don't even remember what time I ended up in my room. Things were quiet and peaceful now, and it was a successful night. I'm so glad I got to spend time with Carlos and Blanca and my friends.


"Tina! Tina!" Im woken to the sound of Carlos running into my room.
"Chili, it's 3:00am, what's wrong?" I say getting up. Blanca runs right behind him, crying. He shuts the door quickly and locks it.
"Hide, hurry" he says. I panic now and follow Blanca into my bathroom while Carlos pulls my dresser to cover the door.
"What's going on?" I say getting worried.
"Shh, someone broke in. They're downstairs. The police should be on the way though" Carlos says. We sit in the bathroom floor, with the door locked as well.

"Open up! Open up before we shoot this place up!" We hear someone yell as they begin slamming their fist on the door. I cry as I become scared.
"Shh, shh. Calm down Tina" Carlos says putting his hand on me. I close my eyes as I feel my heart race.
"Joder! We said open up!" They yell again. We hear the door knock down. I get more scared as we all huddle together.
"Las quiero mucho. We're going to be okay" Carlos says. He puts his arms around us.

Suddenly, as if a miracle happens, the police sirens get louder.
"Fuck!" The thieves yell. We hear a bunch of foot steps suddenly, and guns shooting. We continue to stay huddled together. I do my best to close my eyes, hoping this is all just a nightmare.

Suddenly it goes silent. We hear someone try and twist the doorknob.
"Policía, anyone in here? It's safe to come out" they say. Carlos looks at us and slowly gets up. He opens the door carefully, and eventually opens it all the way.
"We got the thieves don't worry, it's safe to come out now. Is anyone hurt?" He says to Carlos. Carlos shakes his head.

I hold onto Blanca, my eyes still shut.
"Tina, come here" Carlos says, I open my eyes and he puts his hand out for me. We all hug each other, glad we're all okay.

Blanca walks over with the police to talk about what happened, and to call my parents.
Carlos holds me in his arms as I sob into his chest.
"Tina, estas bien. Don't worry" he rubs my back.

The police interview us all, and begin to take photos and such of our house. Downstairs the windows are shattered, photos of our family thrown onto the floor. Luckily the housekeeper had gone home, so no one was hurt.

Carlos and I sit out front on the stairs so I can get some fresh air.
"Tina, say something" Carlos says to me.
"I'm still so scared Carlos" I say with tears in my eyes. He sighs. Suddenly a car pulls up quickly, my parents run out of the car and to us.

"Mis hijos! Im so glad you're okay" my mother says. Both of them still in their pjs, I can tell they ran out quickly. I sob into my parents arms.

After all of the investigations, we grab our most necessary things and pack up. We were going to stay at a hotel nearby. I get into the car along with my siblings. I mean my head against Blanca's shoulder. I'm so shocked still, and sleep deprived that I'm not sure how to react or feel.

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