Chapter 49

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It was a few days later now, today was the Monaco Grand Prix. I could tell there was some tension between lando and Carlos, but neither wanted to tell me what was wrong. And I had tried to talk to lando about finding our own place, but he always managed to change the subject. I thought these past few days would go differently. But it felt like lando wanted to stay in and sleep most of the time. I get it, he's tired. But I just thought we'd spend more time together or he'd spend more time with Olivia at least.

Today was a big day, and they both had to focus so I did my best to keep peace. Lando had left already to get prepared, and Olivia and I stayed back to get ready.

I  get her dressed and pack her diaper bag before getting myself ready. I decided to skip lunch since they usually have some food over there. I got dressed and did my hair before carry Olivia over to the living room. We were heading over with max and p who were waiting in the lobby. I made sure I had everything I needed before heading down.

I made it to the lobby where max and p were seated. They greeted me with a hug and max helped me with the diaper bag.

We walked over to maxs car, and he set the car seat in the backseat and I sat in the back with Olivia. We drove off toward where the Grand Prix was taking place and were able to go through the family/vip entrance to get parking.

I took Olivia into my arms and we head down toward the team building to look for lando and Carlos.


After sometime, the boys had to go get ready. I kissed lando good luck, and we waved to him as he walked away. I was so nervous, I hadn't been to a Grand Prix in awhile.

Max, P, and I walked over to find some seats above the garage to get a good view. I tried to point out to Olivia where lando and Carlos were but I don't think she understood. Max and P helped me take turns carrying her as the Grand Prix began. I was lucky to have them.


The Grand Prix ended, and it wasn't the best race. Lando came in P7, and Carlos in P8. They both did the best they could but it wasn't enough. With sad faces, we made our way back down to wait for them.

As soon as lando got out of the car and took his helmet off I could see his frustration and how upset he was. He walked over and kissed Olivia's cheek.
"I'm so sorry lan, you did what you could" I say. He sighs and just gives me a hug and kisses my cheek.

He walks away to finish interviews and such while we wait for Carlos.

I give him a hug which he returns back and holds.
"Thank you Tina. It's hard" Carlos says. I nod.
He walks away too and talks to lando and Zak. They talk intensely I assume about the race.

Max, P, and I stand to the side waiting for them to finish up. Lando returns to grab his helmet and approaches us.

"You should go home, take them home. We'll be awhile and there's nothing to celebrate" lando says to max.
"Whatever you want mate" max replies. Lando nods and walks away without saying goodbye.

We begin to walk out toward the exit. I know he's upset but he didn't have to act that way. I shrugged it off, might just be the heat of the moment.


We ordered takeout and ate lunch with max and p while we waited for the boys. I didn't know how much longer they'd take and we were getting hungry. I fed Olivia some pieces of my meal too before she had to go down for her nap.

"It suck's seeing the team this way. I know it's hard" max says. P and I nod.
"I get it. But it's not our fault, I feel like he distances himself" I reply.
"I can see that. And he shouldn't" P replies.
"We'll see how he is when he returns. We only have a few days left I don't want to spend it with him upset" I say. They both nod.

After lunch and waiting a bit longer they decide to leave. Only Carlos returned back to the apartment but he was getting ready for a date with Isa. I put Olivia down for her nap, and cleaned up the apartment while I waited for lando.

Eventually he came in the afternoon, as he entered the apartment he stumbled in.
"Lando! Why didn't you answer your phone? I've been calling you, worried" I say as I stand up. I can immediately tell he's drunk.
"Don't worry about me. I'm fine" he laughs. He walks over to me and plops down beside me. He wraps his arm around my shoulder, his breath smells of alcohol.
"Lando, you shouldn't drink and drive. You know better. and I don't know why you've come home like this" I push his arm off.
"Geez, I'm letting everyone down. At work, here. I can't do anything right! I just need a break. I'm going to bed, don't wake me" he grunts and stands up.
"Please don't wake Livy" I say. He shakes his head and walks down the hall.

What the hell? Why would he do this. He never does this, he never acts this way. This isn't the lando I know. Sure he parties and all, but he's not this irresponsible.

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