Chapter 24

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It was the next morning. Today Lando had a team meeting and had to go into the office. I didnt want to be in the way and sit around, so I decided to stay home.

Lando was getting ready since we had just finished breakfast. I sat down in the living room as I scrolled through tiktok, planning my next vlog. I hadn't vlogged in a long time, and I thought I should get back into it.

"Alright baby, I'm leaving. Please call me if you need anything" Lando says as he walks out from the room. I smile and stand up.

"Okay. Love you" I stand on my tip toes and kiss his lips. He smiles, "Love you too" he blushes.

He grabs his keys and walks out the door. I scroll on tiktok for awhile more, looking for something to do. Eventually I stand up to clean around when my phone begins to ring.

Unknown Caller


hello, I'm calling from the Monaco hospital. Is this Valentina Sainz?

Yes, why?

We are sorry to inform you that your brother, Carlos Sainz has been in a car accident this morning. We are calling because he listed you as his emergency contact. We need you to come to the hospital to-

Is he okay? How? What happened?

Ma'am please calm down. He's alright, but its important for you to come as soon as possible.

Okay, im on my way.

I hang up with tears in my eyes. Im still in sweats and my tank top, so I grab a sweater to throw on since its raining. All I take is my purse and phone and run out the door. All I can think about is if he's okay, what happened. I had seen the hospital about 10 minutes away. I grab a taxi and head towards the city.

Because of the street, the taxi cannot take me directly to the main door so I have to walk a block or two. I pay him and begin making my way toward the entrance. It starts raining harder, and I have one more block to go. Suddenly I feel someones arms around me, they cover my mouth and pull me into an alley. I try and get away, but they're too strong. They pull me deeper into the alley, I can barley see the main road anymore. I try and yell for help.

"Shutup! Shutup!" the voice says. My heart stops as I recognize the voice. But it can't be. How did he know? How-

He turns me to face him and puts his hoodie down. He smiles, but not a creepy smile, a genuine smile. Which only makes me fear him more, because clearly he's insane.

"Vale, I can't believe its you. Im so happy to see you" he pulls me into a hug. I push him away. He rolls his eyes. At this point he's still covering my mouth.

"Lets go somewhere private, where I know you won't yell" He smiles. I shake my head but can't escape.

He continus to pull me down the alley, eventually we reach a door where he enters. It appears to be an abandoned apartment. Its dark and cold, and only a candle lights the living area. I see a mattress with one small pillow. He locks the door with two locks, and lets me go. Theres only one window, and it faces an empty wall, probably the end of the alley. No one would ever hear me if I yelled.

"You're not going to say anything? Did you miss me?" He asks

I shake my head, tears run down my face.

"Im not going to hurt you, I promise. As long as you don't do anything stupid" He laughs. He leads me to sit on the mattress. He sits beside me and begins caressing my cheek.

"Tina, please say something. I want to hear your voice"
"I- I want my brother" I quietly sob. He gives a frustrating sigh.
"Why? Why can't we be happy together? Your idiot brother is fine, he's probably looking for his next model girlfriend. Let him live his own life" he rolls his eyes and lets go of me.
"No. Hes hurt, he-"

Fernando laughs. "He's not hurt, I paid someone to call you, Carlos didnt have an accident" he stands up and walks over to what looks like the kitchen.

Was she being serious? I can't trust Fernando. And if it was true then I'm so stupid, I should've called lando, I-
Ugh. Lando. He's going to be so upset with me.

Lando POV
"I think Carlos should just let me pass him" I smirk as we were coming up with our plan for the Grand Prix. He shakes his head and laugh.
"In your dreams" he smiles at me.
"Okay, let's focus so we can wrap this up" Zak says to us. We look at each other and laugh.

The meeting ends and Carlos and I meet up at the end.
"How's tina? Is she better?" Carlos puts his arm around me.
"She's better. You should come over, we can have lunch together" I suggest.
"I don't want him to find her if he's following me, I-"
"Carlos, come on. She misses you, I promise it'll be okay" I reassure him. He nods and smiles.

We walk out and each get into our individual cars. We drive off following one another toward my apartment building. I head to the parking garage and Carlos finds a spot outside. I meet him in the lobby and we walk up to the apartment.

"Baby, you have a visitor" I call out as we open the door. Carlos smiles.
She's not in the main living area, and the tv is now off.
"She must be in the room" I say walking over. Nothing.
She's not in the bathroom either.
"Valentina?!" I call out.
"Lando, what's going on?" Carlos walks over.
"Carlos, I don't think she's here" I panic.

His jaw clenched, and we begin looking everywhere. Obviously she's not here.
"How?! Where could she be? Did she call you?" He says now yelling. I check my phone and shake my head. He checks as well, but nothing. We both begin calling and texting but nothing.

Minutes later we still panic. We decide to ask for help. We run downstairs and I ask the doorman.
"Did you see Valentina by any chance?" I ask him panicked. He begins to think.
"Well actually she did run off about a few minutes after you left. She seemed like she was crying. I called her name to make sure she was okay but she didn't hear me" he explains.
"What? But why would she leave? Where?"
"Sorry Sir that's all I know" he shrugs. I slam my fist on the counter.

"Lando, we need to go to the police. We need to ask for help" Carlos says. I nod.
"Why don't you go check back at your apartment, I'll go to the police" we agree to the plan and both head out. The doorman agrees to call me if she shows up.

On the drive to the police I can't help but cry from from frustration. Where are you baby? Please come back.

I arrive at the police station and run inside. I walk straight to the receptionist. She calls over the chief so I can talk to him. I explain to him the story.

"Look kid, unfortunately we cannot do anything. We must wait 24 hours of no contact for us to file a missing persons report" he explains
"What? But she is missing! And you guys know that there's someone who can harm her out there!"
"We actually DONT know that she's missing. She could have run away, did you guys have any argument? Did-"
"What?! No! We didn't. I'm here because I know that she's in danger, do something!" I yell.
"Calm down. I'm not doing anything until time has passed. Now if that's all, you can head out" he says turning away.
"Fuck you! Fuck you and everyone here! You're all dumbasses" I slam my fist on the counter and throw their pens. I turn around and run out the door.

My fist burning. My entire body hurts, and I punch the concrete wall until my fist bleeds. I begin sobbing and lean against the wall. This isn't fair.

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