Twelve (Theo)

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I woke up to the sound of Damien sitting in the chair in my room, listening to the news on the laptop I keep on my desk. He appeared deeply focused. I was so tired that I don't even recall falling asleep. I believe I must have dozed off in the theater within the mansion. Damien must have carried me to my room, as I found myself still wearing the same clothes from the previous night.

"Breaking news: Damien Morningstar released from jail. Charges that were levied against him have been proven false, thanks to Theo Crest. Theo Crest revealed that his father performed scientific abominations on both him and his mother before his birth. Theo Crest is the first Tri-bred, a mixture of human, demon, and angelic lineage. Protesters are claiming that this revelation is grounds to abolish the accords, citing Theo as an example."

"Wow, look at us, making it onto TV. We must have caused quite a stir," I remarked.

"Indeed. Both of us are children of monstrous parents. We are the Devil's Prodigies. I'm sure they're terribly disappointed that we aren't villains plotting for world power and domination," Damien responded.

I walked over to Damien and perched on his lap. He kissed me softly, his touch as gentle as ever.

"Are you hungry? I can make us food this time, since you're always the one cooking for me," I offered.

"Okay, I'd love to see how your cooking tastes," Damien replied.

I headed to the kitchen while Damien took a seat on one of the old bar stools at the island. Our kitchen was large, filled with antique items that suddenly made more sense knowing my dad was over 100 years old but hadn't aged physically past 30. I pulled out a pan, cracked some eggs into it, and turned on the stove. In my distraction while talking to Damien, I forgot to add oil to the pan. As the smell of burning eggs hit me, I turned around swiftly and scrambled the eggs, realizing I had the burners on high. Turning off the stove, I saw Damien trying to conceal his laughter.

"Shut up, I can cook," I said defensively.

"You mean you can overcook," he replied, laughing hysterically. "I guess I'll be making the food in this relationship."

I glared at Damien. It dawned on me that we had never really discussed our relationship status. We had just gone with the flow, and I had never asked him what he wanted.

"So, are we a couple then, like officially?" I asked.

"Is that what you want? I would love to be your boyfriend, Theo. I really, really like you," he replied.

"I would love to be with you, Damien. I like you a lot too."

Damien stood up and walked over to me. He picked me up and sat me on top of the kitchen counter, then began to kiss me. I could feel his hardness through his jeans. God, the way he made me melt into him, his touch still giving me chills no matter how often it happened.

He stepped back. "Let me finish the food, and we'll get right back to this afterward, babe," Damien said.

I watched as he threw away the eggs I had made, trying to hide his smile from me as he tossed them out. As Damien cooked, I began to drift into my thoughts, wondering how long my father would last in jail without the injections keeping him alive. Without them, he would age rapidly and not have long to live. However, I had a feeling my father wouldn't stay in jail for long. He still had assets he could use to get out early. His court hearing must have already happened or was about to. I had no interest in seeing him again, though.

Damien's phone began to ring repeatedly until he finally shut it off.

"Everything okay, Damien?" I asked.

The Devils ProdigyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang