Five (Damien)

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I never expected Theo to be anything but an asshole like his father, but he turned out to be the complete opposite, and that just makes things more complicated. He's polite and well-mannered; we had dinner together the other night, and he was so sweet and timid. It's strange how similar we are, both of us having insane, wild parents but being completely different ourselves. There's something about Theo that makes me want to protect him, and that's exactly what I did while he slept. I couldn't help but admire his beauty, demons and angels don't need sleep, I guess Theo's human side needed the sleep, I needed some sort of purpose, anyway.

As I heard a noise from outside, panic began to rise within me, only for me to realize that I didn't sense any entity nearby. I started to calm down and decided that in the morning, I should set traps in the yard to ease my mind a little.

I sink deeper into a trance, gazing at Theo while sitting in front of him on the recliner, my thoughts drift to my Dad and the words of disappointment he would likely speak to me right now. I can almost hear him criticizing my weakness and vulnerability. It's moments like these that stir up anger within me, questioning why my life has been so unfairly burdened. Unlike many entities, I was born in hell, never given a chance at redemption.

With the world divided by the accords and tensions still running high, the looming threat of another war feels inevitable. Redemption seems like an impossible dream for anyone, and fear grips me at the thought of it.

As I try to kill time, I switch on the TV, only to be greeted by a breaking news report.

"We have an inside scoop with Nathan Crest, whose son has been abducted recently. Over to him now," the news anchor announces.

"Thank you, everyone, for watching," Nathan Crest begins. "My son, Theo Crest, went missing recently, and after a major disturbance at a water plant, investigators found traces of Theo's blood. Lucifer, who owns the building, provided footage of the parking lot, where a high-ranking demon by the name of Damien was seen fleeing with Theo. If you have any information on their whereabouts, please let authorities know. And if, by some chance, Damien is watching, remember that violations of the accords this severe can be punishable by death, unless you turn yourself in."

As the news broadcast continues, the gravity of the situation intensifies as my photo is displayed on the screen for the next few minutes. The words on the screen banner flash ominously, stating "Wanted for kidnapping a human.

As I sat there, contemplating the betrayal of my father and the weight of the accusations against me, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of disappointment. It wasn't surprising that he would sell me out and pin everything on me, but it still stung.

Switching off the TV, I noticed Theo beginning to stir, likely awakened by the noise.

Breaking the silence, I offered, "Hey, do you want to sleep on the bed in the other room? It would probably be more comfortable."

"No thanks, I should probably just stay up at this point. Also, aren't you tired? Why don't you rest?" Theo replied.

"Demons and angels don't sleep," I added, and Theo nodded.

"This stuff is all very new to me, and I don't know enough about the entities or myself and my abilities for that matter. Could you teach me some things sometime today?" Theo asked.

"Yeah, sure. Once the sun is up," I agreed.

As the sun rose, casting its golden rays upon us, we ventured outside. Nearby, a serene lake beckoned, its calm waters reflecting the vibrant hues of the morning sky. It seemed like the perfect place, far enough from the cabin to ensure privacy, yet close enough to feel safe.

After a brisk 15-minute walk, Theo and I arrived at the lake. I scanned the ground, searching for a few suitable rocks. Finding them, I arranged them neatly before me and motioned for Theo to observe.

With a deep breath, I cleared my mind, focusing solely on the task at hand. Channeling my concentration, I felt the familiar sensation of power coursing through me. With a subtle movement of my hand, the rock levitated, suspended in the air, before I flicked my wrist and sent it skipping across the surface of the water.

"Now it's your turn," I encouraged Theo, a glimmer of excitement in my eyes. "Clear your mind and give it a try."

As Theo steps forward, closing his eyes in concentration, I watch patiently, waiting for him to make a move.

Suddenly, he lets out a grunt of frustration, followed by a laugh. "I can't do this. I feel dumb," he admits.

I chuckle softly. "You look like you're constipated, meaning you're trying too hard. Just clear your mind and try again."

An annoyed glare meets my suggestion before he tries once more, only to give up after a couple of seconds. "I just can't," he sighs.

"Yes, you can. Let me help you," I offer. Stepping closer, I suggest, "Maybe try with your hands out." Almost touching him, I find myself drawn to him, unable to resist the urge. Positioning myself behind him, I place my hands on his waist, adjusting his hand to aim more accurately at the rock.

"Okay, try now," I encourage.

He attempts again but fails. "You're still thinking too much," I observe, moving to stand beside him. He begins to speak, his lips looking beautiful, his skin glowing in the sunlight. Without hesitation, I gently grasp his chin, pulling him toward me, and press my lips to his in a soft kiss before pulling away.

As I looked at Theo's face, I noted the absence of any upset or anger. Instead, his eyes began to glow red, a stark contrast to the blue glow I had witnessed during our confrontation with Lucifer. It seemed he was now channeling demon energy. Could it be that he could choose when to switch between different powers?

Theo raised his hand, and I noticed not just one rock, but many others nearby, floating in the air. Reacting quickly, I ducked as he effortlessly hurled the rocks into the lake. The glow in his eyes faded as he turned to me, concern evident in his expression.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to almost take your head off," he apologized sincerely.

"It's okay. You did it, and it's a start. Now, focus on that feeling when using your power. Make sure it comes from that place, and you'll have it down in no time," I reassured him.

"Really?!" Theo exclaimed, his excitement evident.

He looked adorable, all lit up with enthusiasm. I made my way towards a sandy part of the lake and sat down, taking in the beauty of the area around me. Theo joined me, settling in next to me.

Turning to him, I couldn't help but voice my concern. "Are you mad I kissed you?"

"No," he simply replied.

Panic surged within me, but I had to ask, "Would you be mad if I wanted it to happen again?"

"No," Theo replied with a smile.

Our eyes met, a silent understanding passing between us. Without a word, I leaned in slowly, closing the distance between us until our lips met in a tender kiss.

This one felt different, with an intensity that consumed us both. It was as if the world around us faded away, leaving only the warmth of his lips against mine, the softness of his touch sending shivers down my spine. In that moment, everything else ceased to exist, and all that mattered was the connection between us. We then sat in silence whilst Theo held onto my hand and we observed the scenery around us.


Wow, well now I'm hot and bothered anyone else? No? Just me? I'll stop now. This chapter In the beginning I was so stuck on how to make this evolve into the rest of the plot but I think this perfect. Get ready for some upcoming twists and turns.

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