~Chapter Thirty-Two~

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I've completely forgotten about this story, guys, I'm so sorry. I barely have any time. But for those readers out there who want to know what happens, I'm doing this for you!! Let's finish this!! :)

(Not one single POV, it's just random!)

(After a week of being apart...)

"Keefe, I'm ready." Sophie whispered, stepping closer to him. "I'm so sorry you had to wait."

"Foster, I'd wait forever if it meant I'd get to end up with you." Keefe replied, tucking Sophie's hair behind her ear. "I have a bit of a surprise for you."

"What?" Sophie asked. Keefe bent down on one knee and held out a diamond ring as Sophie covered her mouth with her hands.

"Sophie, I've known you for almost my entire life, and I've always wanted to do this. I know it's the right decision, so... Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Keefe asked. Sophie squealed and tackle-hugged him.

"YES, STUPID, I LOVE YOU!" Sophie exclaimed, kissing his face. "A THOUSAND TIMES YES!!" (ANYBODY SEEN THAT SONG CALLED "hey stupid, I love you?" Might wanna listen to it right now, so I'll put the link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IRapS5MCFM "Just copy and paste it" Okay keep reading!)

"Keefe, whatever is in our future," Sophie whispered. "I know I wanna get through it with you."

Then they walked on the beach in the sunset, laughing and throwing sand at each other. And that was a love that would never die.


I'm sorry this chapter was so lazy, just like me lol. But I want your imagination to kinda imagine what's gonna happen next because it's easier than me writing it! This story is officially finished, yay!

I know I don't have many viewers but I'm thankful for every single one of them! 




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