~Chapter Twenty-Six~

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(Blood warning for this chapter!)

(Also a crying warning, cause it's super sad)

(Keefe's POV)

"NO!" I screamed, my vocal chords shredding in the process.

I watched helplessly as the gunfire struck the love of my life, sending her body back on the top of the ceiling.

I ignored the gun that was now pointed at me, because there was no way I was leaving Foster up there. I sprinted all the way down the hallway, faster than I'd ever run in any of my basketball games, and hurried up the ladder, finding Foster on the floor, surrounded in blood.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I rushed to her side, putting both of my hands on the wound to apply pressure. My trembling hands scrambled to dial 911 as I whispered reassuring things in her ear. She was going to get through this.

She had to.


Just before I was about to click the button that dialed 911, I heard footsteps.

"Who's there?" I asked with a trembling voice.

Grady and Edaline appeared in the doorway, their eyes widening when they saw their daughter laying on the ground, covered in blood.

"Sophie was shot by Lady Gisela." Keefe whispered. "Come on, we have to get her to the hospital."

He clicked the button to dial 911 as Grady and Edaline paced around nervously.

"911, what's your emergency?" The voice from the phone said.

"Someone's been shot. My girlfriend. We're at the Universal Theaters, by Court Street, on 9th Avenue. She's got a pulse. Please hurry." Keefe replied.

"Alright, sir, can you tell me how old you are?" The operator asked.

"Almost 21." Keefe mumbled. "I'm with my girlfriend's parents."

"Okay. Help is on the way. About five minutes. Keep pressure on the wound for now. Is she conscious?" The operator pressed.

"No, I don't think so." Keefe said.

"Alright. The ambulance is at your building. Good luck." The operator hung up, and Grady rushed down to the paramedics to guide them towards Sophie.

Once she was on a stretcher, they were able to put her in the truck, and Keefe practically leaped into the ambulance with Grady and Edaline.

"Stay with me, Foster..." Keefe whispered, holding her hand tightly.

"Keefe?" Sophie whispered, her eyes fluttering open.


(Sophie's POV)

The last thing I remembered was the bullet hitting my chest, and then falling back and everything going dark. And seeing Keefe's beautiful face was an opportunity I couldn't waste.

"Keefe, I'm so sorry. I don't know if I'll be able to make it." Sophie whispered. Keefe's expression flickered with every emotion at once.

"Foster... I..." He was speechless.

"I love you, my sweet boy." Sophie said, pulling Keefe's face down to kiss him.

That sugary rush filled both of their mouths, but it didn't last long. It left Sophie feeling fluttery, but she knew it might be the last time she would share that emotion with Keefe.

When Keefe pulled back, he seemed to be studying each part of her, like he was afraid he would forget her when...

"I love you, mom and dad." Sophie whispered, Edaline and Grady pulling her into a hug.

"We love you too, honey." Edaline choked out, her cheeks covered in tears. Even Grady was crying, because...

Sophie brought them all together.

"This isn't goodbye." Keefe promised.

"Keefe, if it is, don't feel guilty." Sophie begged. "Please."

"It's not goodbye." Keefe insisted. "We're gonna get you through this."

But Sophie knew in her heart...

That might not happen.

She might not make it.

Either way, she needed to let Keefe know...

"Keefe, Lady Gisela put me in a chair and changed my perspective. She told me to manipulate you to follow her plans. But I... I just couldn't. So I saved you by..." She gestured to her wound.

Tears were rushing down Keefe's cheeks faster than ever.

"You protected me... From..." Keefe couldn't finish the sentence, but Sophie nodded.

"You are worth it, Keefe. I'd rather injure myself than have you injured." Sophie whispered.

"Sophie, I'm not worth this." Keefe argued, pointing to her injury.

"Yes you are. I don't care if you believe it or not. I know in my heart that you were the person who needed to be saved in this situation. And it's okay, Keefe. I'm happy." Sophie said.

"I can't live without you, Foster." Keefe whispered, his voice cracking.

Sophie stroked his face lovingly, giving him a sad smile.

"I'll always be with you. I love you all." Sophie whispered.

Then her body went limp.


Hehe I'm so evil.

Oops, wait, I just killed the main character...

(OR DID I?!?!)

I guess you'll find out later! MWAHAHAHAHAHAAA!

(Cringy evil laugh)

Okay, question of the day:

(I just heard that the KOTLC movie rights have just been signed, if you don't already know that! EEEEEKK!!!)

Anyway, the question is: What are you most excited about for the movie?

Alright, that's all for today, y'all!

Team Foster-Keefe for the win!!! :)


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