~Chapter Twelve~

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(Keefe's POV)

After kissing Foster, I felt like I could finally breathe fresh air without worrying when it would come back again. I had peace and...

The thought trailed off when I realized...

"Foster, I thought you were looking for a boyfriend." Keefe whispered, letting go of her hands and pulling away. Sophie reached towards him again.

"I guess I found him." She whispered, taking his hands again. Keefe stared at her in disbelief.

"Me? I don't think I heard you correctly." Keefe argued. Sophie laughed, a beautiful sound that made Keefe's heart flutter. He shoved those emotions to the side. Why was Foster choosing him? He didn't deserve her.

"You heard me correctly." She traced her thumb over the scars on his knuckles. That was from him punching his bedroom walls after all the anger that had overpowered him when Sophie was in her coma. "I want you. No-one else." She looked up as their eyes met again.

Keefe sucked in a breath, barely able to believe he wasn't dreaming.

"I think that coma got to your head. I don't deserve to be with you. I never should've... I never should've thought I had a chance." Keefe whispered. He turned away from Sophie, gently pulling his hands away and ignoring the hurt in Sophie's eyes.

He said nothing as he helped Sophie get back into her wheelchair. But Sophie couldn't handle it anymore.

(Sophie's POV now, but it's the same situation)

"Keefe, why are you afraid?" She asked, making Keefe stop the wheelchair. "Why can't you see that you've always been there for me? Just because you've made some mistakes doesn't make me love you any less."

Keefe's expression flickered with disbelief and then it darkened.

"I don't deserve your love. I don't deserve anyone's love. You're the only one who's ever understood me, but I never realized that you meet my expectations, but I don't meet yours. That never ends well, Sophie. This isn't some fairytale, like I thought it was. This is real. These are facts. I'll never be good enough for you." Keefe snapped. 

Sophie blinked, realizing that he'd never risen his voice like that while talking to her. Keefe definitely looked guilty. But that didn't make her feel sorry for him. Her eyes narrowed.

"Keefe, you exceed my expectations of the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. And I love you no matter what you say to me. But... If it makes you happy... Fine. Whatever you want." She muttered like she didn't care.

But really, her heart tore in two pieces as Keefe's expression turned stone-cold, and he practically marched her wheelchair to the house. He dropped Sophie off, plastered a fake smile on for Grady and Edaline, and then left as quickly as he could. 

Almost like he couldn't wait to get away from her.

How could her best friend and the boy of her dreams... Turn into an enemy and someone who didn't want to be around her?

Maybe Keefe was right. 

They weren't living in a fairytale. 

She fell asleep dreaming about Keefe.

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