~Chapter Twenty-Five~

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(Sophie's POV)

I never liked Keefe. At least, not in my perspective. I don't know what's going on with me. I thought Lady Gisela was telling the truth, but... Maybe she wasn't. Because when I got up from that chair, the machine behind her said "Perspective Changer 3000."

What if... What if I actually love Keefe?

Because now that he adores me with that love potion, I'm starting to adore him, too. It's like that perspective of him being my enemy is fading. And now my thoughts are turning towards the truth.

I love him. I love him more than anyone else in the world.

And he loves me too. But I think it faded when he realized... When he realized I didn't love him as much either. Now that he loves me back, I just wanna stay there, in the darkness of the movie theater and watch the comedy movie we picked.

But I need to do this. Now. Before it's too late.


(Keefe's POV)

"Foster, where are you going?" Keefe whined.

"Um..." Sophie looked nervous. "I'm going to the bathroom."

"Don't leave me." He complained. "I wanna cuddle you."

Sophie laughed, making his heart flutter.

"I'm only gonna be gone for five minutes. You'll be fine." Sophie assured him, walking away before Keefe could respond.

Keefe reluctantly turned back to the movie. Suddenly, he realized there was a bat flying through the cave on the screen. He laughed. It looked like Iggy.

Wait... It was Iggy. Keefe's eyes widened as he caught Iggy in the air.

"Woah, buddy, how did you get in here?" Keefe asked, stroking Iggy's ears. Iggy squirmed out of Keefe's grasp and flew frantically under one of the movie theater seats. He was whimpering, backing away like there was... Danger?

Why would there be danger?

And then he knew. Keefe spun around to find Lady Gisela.


(Sophie's POV, a few minutes earlier)

Lady Gisela would be in the movie theater any second. I needed to be fast. I sprinted past the bathrooms, outside, where there was a ladder. I scrambled up the ladder, putting my hood up to hide my face as I emerged on the roof.

"Please, please, please..." I murmured as I untied the rope from the corner of the building. It was holding movie props. But I needed to drop it as a distraction inside of the theater Keefe was in. Then he would be able to run away.

And then I would save him.


(Grady & Edaline's POV)

"Sophie hasn't come to visit us for the weekend yet..." Edaline noticed.

"I'm sure she's fine. Probably just busy." Grady assured her, even though he was nervous, too. Edaline didn't look convinced.

"I'm gonna call her." Edaline decided, getting up from the couch to grab her phone. Grady stood next to her, rubbing her shoulder reassuringly as she pressed Sophie's contact.

The call went to voicemail.

Grady and Edaline shared a look.

"She always answers our calls immediately." Edaline murmured.

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