~Chapter Nineteen~

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(Sophie's POV)

"What do you want this time?" Sophie asked, trying to sound bored. Her voice trembled, giving her emotions away. Keefe clutched her hand tightly.

"Oh, Miss Foster, I want many things... But if you're talking about right now, then it's going to be very unpleasant for you." Lady Gisela replied, still aiming the dagger at Keefe's head.

Lady Gisela seemed to know that Sophie cared about Keefe more than herself. And it was definitely her weakness.

"Can we speed this up?" Keefe jumped in, flashing his smug smile. "I knew you were evil, but I didn't think you'd be violent, too. This is such a great mix of discoveries at once, don't you think?" Lady Gisela clicked her tongue, looking disappointed.

"You know, son, I expected you to at least be working out more for your basketball games, if not, for Sophie." Lady Gisela said. "But, I guess we'll see if your wonderful bodyguards can defend you as well as you're expecting."

"We can." Axel and Acel jumped in.

"Oh, really?" Fintan countered. "What if I told you we can get rid of you without moving a muscle?"

"What does that mean?" Keefe demanded.

"You don't want to find out. So I suggest that you give me what I want. Right now." Lady Gisela warned. Keefe laughed bitterly.

"You think we're going to listen to you?" Keefe asked.

"You will, once you see the stakes of your situation. I have a weapon. Pointed at your head. And your girlfriend has the chance to save your life, because I can use my wonderful headband here," Lady Gisela pointed to her head, where a beaded headband rested on it. "To stop you from moving at all, meaning you are the easiest target to throw a weapon at if you disobey. I could make you stop breathing, if I wanted. Sometimes that's the best thing to do for a little while, just to scare you. We have amazing technological advancements to this thing."

"But, none of that has to happen if you give Sophie to us peacefully." Fintan added.

(Keefe's POV, same situation)

My eyes widened.

Give Foster over to the Neverseen... Or die?

I'd much rather die. Foster deserves to live. I don't. Going with the Neverseen is pretty much a death sentence for her.

Copy the link to this song (This Love by Taylor Swift) while you're reading these next parts of the chapter if you wanna see Sophie's POV even though it's Keefe's current perspective, sorry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvxQYPR4lmU  

I just thought you'd want to see/hear both of their perspectives at the same time, and now that I think about it that's kinda confusing but whatever just keep reading (Keep in mind that you can skip the beginning part of the song if you wanna get to the real lyrics)

"Sophie. Don't even think about it." I warned in a firm tone that told her I wasn't joking.

I would never joke again if she just stayed.

But she was already settling in her wheelchair with her hands by her head so she could roll over to them. Willingly.

She was going to leave me... And I couldn't handle that.

I grabbed her arm.

"Foster, no. I'd rather die than leave you with them." Keefe said, his voice cracking. Sophie smiled sadly at him, stroking his face gently.

"Keefe, I have to. I can't live without you in this world. This way, at least we'll both be alive." Sophie whispered.

Keefe was clinging to her like she was the only thing keeping him up. And, in some way, that was true. She was his foundation, and if she was gone...

"You'd be alive, but you wouldn't be living, Foster. And they can kill you when I'm not there!" Keefe argued, his voice holding anger and hurt and defeat all at the same time.

"Keefe, if we promise not to kill her, will you give her to us?" Lady Gisela offered. Keefe shook his head violently, but Sophie nodded.

"Please, Keefe." Sophie mumbled. "I have to do this. And you know why." She glanced at his hand grasping her arm. "You have to let go. For now."

Keefe's expression softened. 

He definitely understood what was going on in her brain. It had happened in his own brain before. But that didn't make it hurt any less.

She had already decided. And he could see it in her eyes. There was no way to convince her to do anything else. He knew that look. So he swallowed hard, leaning in closer.

"Foster, I still love you. And no matter how far away we are from each other... Just know... I'm here. This isn't how it's going to end." Keefe whispered, quietly enough that Lady Gisela couldn't hear him. Sophie smiled, making Keefe's heart flutter.

"I love you, you big jerk." Sophie replied, kissing him softly. Keefe kissed her back, despite the grossed-out groans of Axel, Acel, Lady Gisela, Ruy, and Fintan.

"I love you too, Foster. No matter what." Keefe said, finally letting go of her arm. Sophie smiled at him one more time, and Keefe used the time to study her with every drop of energy he could give.

Her beautiful hair.

Her smile.

Her eyes.

And he knew, the second that Sophie joined the Neverseen's side, that he would see her again.

Very, very soon.

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