~Chapter Eighteen~

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(Sorry I haven't been posting as many chapters as I usually do. It's important testing week, so I've been busy. Enjoy this one, though!)

(Sophie's POV)

"Who are these guys?" Sophie asked the next morning when Keefe met her at her front door. Keefe grinned.

"My new bodyguards." He said, looking proud. "I also got one for you, just in case." He waved his hands, and the men behind him stepped aside to let an even bigger-looking dude walk through them towards Sophie.

"I'm Sandor." He said, shaking Sophie's hand. Her eyes widened at how strong his handshake was. So she blankly nodded.

"I'm Sophie." She replied.

"Oh, I know. I know everything about you. Your height, weight, favorite color, favorite food..." He seemed to realize that was creepy, so he stopped talking.

"That's cool. I don't even know my height." Sophie admitted.

"Pretty dang short." Keefe muttered. Sophie glared at him.

"You're a basketball player, dude. You're like a giant compared to me. Also, I'm in a wheelchair. I'm average height." Sophie countered. 

Keefe smirked. "Keep telling yourself that." 

"My name's Axel." One of the buff dudes behind Keefe said. "I'm Acel." The other one added.

"Wow, that's gonna get confusing." Sophie mumbled. Keefe laughed when the two guys scowled at Sophie.

"Alright, so... Why did you come here, Keefe?" Sophie asked. Keefe grinned.

"Can't I just say hi to my girlfriend?" He teased.

"Nope, you either want something or... I dunno, you wanna do something stupid." Sophie corrected. Keefe laughed.

"Well, I guess you know me better than I thought, because... I wanna do something stupid." Keefe mumbled. Now it was Sophie's turn to laugh.

"Hmm... Lemme guess... It has something to do with the new bodyguards you got." Sophie realized. Keefe's jaw dropped, and Sophie smirked this time.

"How did you..." His voice trailed off when Sophie crossed her arms.

"You got two dudes who are stronger than you. Obviously you wanna see what they can do." She explained. Keefe rolled his eyes.

"They are not stronger than me." Keefe argued, making everyone in the room scoff. Keefe rolled his eyes before adding, "Also, it's kinda creepy how you can read my mind." Sophie grinned proudly.

"You wanna see if they can lift a car, don't you?" Sophie asked.



(Keefe's POV)

"Alright, you guys ready?" Keefe asked. Both of his bodyguards nodded.

"Um, Mr. Sencen, maybe you should step out of the way in case we drop the car." Axel suggested.

"Nah, I'll help you guys." Keefe replied.

"Absolutely not. We don't need another one of us in the hospital." Sophie argued, pulling Keefe's arm and dragging him to her side.

"Aw, come on, Foster, please?" Keefe begged.

"Nope. You can't change my mind. And I know it might seem like I can't run after you in this wheelchair, but I don't think you want to find out the consequences of letting go of me." Sophie warned. Keefe smirked.

"Does that mean you don't want me to leave you, or you're scared that I'm gonna get hurt?" Keefe asked in a baby voice.

"Both." She mumbled. Keefe grinned wider at that before kneeling down to her height.

"Fine, Foster. If you want me to prove I can listen to you, I'll stay right here, by your side." Keefe replied. Sophie smiled softly, setting off flutters in Keefe's stomach before she twined her fingers with his. Keefe stood beside her and watched Axel and Acel both take one side of the car.

"Alright, three, two..." Keefe hit 'record' on his phone. "One... Go!"

The two men didn't even grunt as they lifted the car off the ground. It looked like they were carrying a pillow, not a car.

"AWESOME!" Keefe exclaimed, hitting the 'stop recording' button before the men dropped the car to the floor again.

"That was our warm-up, right, sir?" Axel asked with a smirk. Keefe grinned.

"What else can you guys lift?" Keefe pressed.


(Sophie's POV)

After lots of hours of Keefe experimenting and having the guys carry stuff, Sophie was finally alone with him. Well... As alone as you can be with three bodyguards shadowing your every move. There were some pros to this new plan, but also some cons.

"Sophie, how long have you liked me?" Keefe asked quietly as they ended up at the ice cream shop again. Sophie laughed.

"I've liked you since the first moment I met you. I just didn't know it." Sophie whispered. Keefe grinned.

"Me too. So... Do you trust me?" He added.

"Of course. What makes you think I don't?" Sophie asked.

"Well... I know sometimes I hide behind my jokes, and... You seem to see right through them. You see the real me. And you love me for who I am. But... I don't know... I just thought you didn't trust me because you're always laughing at my jokes and you never... You never tell me any secrets." Keefe mumbled. 

"Keefe, I have nothing to hide from you. I also have no secrets. You've been with me for more time than I can remember. I would've told you if I had any secrets. You're not missing out on anything." Sophie assured him. Keefe's smile looked more relieved than smug.

"Okay, but... How did I get such an amazing, beautiful girl to be sitting next to me right now, looking at me like I'm looking at her?" Keefe whispered, tucking Sophie's hair behind her ear. Sophie blushed and smiled, her face softening as their eyes locked.

"And how did I get such a charming, sweet boy to be sitting next to me right now, looking at me like I'm looking at him?" Sophie countered. Keefe's grin made Sophie's heart flutter.

"I don't know. But I'm glad we have each other." Keefe whispered, lingering just in front of her face. 

Letting her decide.

Sophie was about to lean in and kiss him silly... But Axel cleared his throat loud enough to make both Sophie and Keefe jump.

"Um, excuse me, but... I think we have company." Axel jumped in.

Sophie and Keefe spun around to find three figures pointing daggers at their heads.



And Lady Gisela, Keefe's mom.

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