~Chapter Seven~

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(Keefe's POV)

The second I heard Sophie was hurt, I rushed over to her house. But when I got there, nobody opened the door. I grabbed the spare key from under the doormat again and barged into the house. Nobody was inside.

"No. No. No." Keefe muttered. Suddenly, he heard soft sobbing. He rushed over to the noise.

"Foster?" He shouted through the house. Nobody responded. But the sobs softened, like the person was trying to hide it. He barged into Sophie's room and found Biana on the floor, clutching Iggy in her arms as she sobbed. Her head snapped up when she saw Keefe, and her breathing was shaky as Keefe sat down next to her.

"What happened? Where's Sophie?" Keefe asked. Biana wiped the tears off her cheeks.

"She got into a scooter accident. She's in the hospital with Grady and Edaline. I came to check on her, but when no-one answered, I came inside to her room. And then I got the text, and..." She sniffled. "Sophie's in a coma."

Keefe blinked.

"No. This isn't happening." Keefe muttered.

"It is. Trust me, I wish that weren't true." Biana whispered.

"No... I never got to tell her..." Keefe's vision blurred as tears filled his eyes. When one sob slipped out, he couldn't stop himself. Biana pulled him close and they clung to each other.

Keefe never got to tell Sophie that he loved her.

That he thought about her every day.

That she was the only thing that kept him going.

And that yesterday might've been the last day he saw those beautiful golden brown eyes.

It was something he always dreamed about.

And now it might become something that would haunt him.

"Come on. We need to get to the hospital. Now." Keefe decided, taking Biana's hand.

"But we don't have a car." Biana noted.

"I'll just... Borrow my dad's. I'm not rich enough to get my own car, so... I guess we just have to work with what we have. I'm sure he won't mind." Keefe said absentmindedly as they raced out of the house.

"Um... Okay..." Biana mumbled. Keefe grabbed Lord Cassius' keys from his house and raced into the garage.

"Have you driven his car before?" Biana asked quietly as they got inside.

"Yep. But he doesn't need to know that." Keefe muttered. Biana shrugged. They slipped on their seat belts and Keefe drove them onto the highway.

"Wait! Grady and Edaline said that's where the accident happened." Biana said, pointing to a sidewalk. Keefe slammed the breaks and practically leaped out of the car. He searched the street for any signs of Sophie. His eyes widened as he stared at the object on the floor.

It was the pink gulon.

She had been trying to give him the gulon... And now she was hurt.

This was all Keefe's fault.

"What's wrong?" Biana asked as Keefe kept staring at the pink gulon.

"She gave this to me in high school. And she was trying to bring it back to me. That's how she got into the accident. It's all my fault." Keefe whispered.

Biana took the pink gulon from him.

"I don't think it's your fault." Biana rubbed the dirt off the pink gulon's bow. "Let's go. We need to see her." Keefe nodded, wiping tears away as he got back in the car with Biana. He clutched the pink gulon tightly as they drove closer and closer to the hospital.

Finally, Keefe parked and locked the car, jumping out of it and sprinting through the doors with Biana. Grady and Edaline sat there in the waiting room. Edaline was sobbing.

"Where's Sophie?" Keefe begged. Grady's expression was grim.

"The doctors are doing chest compressions on her. Apparently..." Grady sighed. "I'm sorry, Keefe, but... Her heart stopped. We don't know if she's coming back."

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