~Chapter Twenty-Two~

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(Keefe's POV)

"Axel, Acel, why have you brought Mr. Sencen to headquarters?" Mr. Forkle demanded when Keefe's vision snapped back to focus.

"Wow, that gun is freaky." Keefe muttered, rubbing his eyes. Everyone ignored him.

"We brought him here because he needs your help. You need to find Sophie again." Acel explained. Mr. Forkle shook his head.

"No. I can't help you." Mr. Forkle said.

"Please?" Keefe whispered. "I need the love of my life back."

"You'll find another special someone, I promise. You're a very handsome boy. It shouldn't be too hard for you. And there's always the option of being single. That's completely fine. Look at how amazing I turned out." Mr. Forkle replied.

"Please." Keefe repeated.

"The answer is no." Mr. Forkle countered.

"Aren't you supposed to help people? This is your most basic job!" Keefe snapped.

"Mr. Sencen, I understand your emotions, but I cannot help you, even if I tried." Mr. Forkle said calmly. "Trust me, I wish that weren't true."

"But-" Keefe started. Mr. Forkle cut him off.

"Leave my office before I make you leave." Mr. Forkle warned. Keefe clenched his jaw, meeting Mr. Forkle's gaze. His face softened when he realized Mr. Forkle actually did feel sorry. Keefe sighed heavily.

"See ya, Forkle." Keefe muttered as he left the headquarters. Axel and Acel followed him, even though Keefe told them they were fired.

"What are you doing now?" Axel asked.

"We're gonna make up our own plan at my house." Keefe explained.

After a couple minutes of walking, Keefe rounded the street that his house was on. When he saw a familiar face waiting at his door, his eyes widened and he sprinted as fast as he could.

"Foster?" Keefe whispered when he was right in front of her.

Sophie's smile was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen as she said, "Did you miss me?" Then Keefe tackle-hugged her.

"How... What... When...? You know what, it doesn't matter." Keefe decided before kissing her passionately. Sophie laughed, pulling him into a hug.

"The Neverseen let me go." Sophie explained.

"Seriously? No way. Also, wait, how are you walking?" Keefe asked.

"They shot me with this weird gun that lets me walk again. Also, yeah, they let me go. I was really surprised." Sophie replied.

Keefe's gaze finally met hers and his heart froze.

The beautiful golden shimmering in her eyes was gone.

Now her bright brown eyes were... Dull. Empty.


(Sophie's POV)

All I needed to do was obey Lady Gisela. Follow her orders.

When I woke up with no memory of anything, she filled me in like the trustworthy master she is. She told me that Keefe is my greatest enemy, but we're supposed to be "in love" for some reason.

Eww. I hate him so much.

The way he looks lovingly at me makes me wanna scream and kick his shins.

But apparently, if I just get him to trust me at one moment, we'll be able to complete our plan. Then everything will be worth it.

Then this battle will be over. And Keefe will finally be gone.

I can't help but smiling at the thought as I pretend to enjoy holding Keefe's hand. He seems a little confused every time our eyes meet, but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.

"I love you, Foster." Keefe suddenly whispered. He caught me off guard.

I wanted to scream in his face "I hate you!" but that would go against the plan. I mentally barfed as I said the words, "I love you too, Keefe."

Keefe stared at my eyes as I said it, but then he turned away, looking super upset.

What did I do wrong? I literally just told him I loved him! Was that really not worth it? I was supposed to be selling the act! So... I said that for nothing? Darn it.

Oh well. It's probably nothing.

Nothing can get in the way of our plan. This time, we're going to finish it.

And then Keefe will finally be gone. Finally.

I'd been waiting for this my entire life. Now it was time to fulfill my legacy. His didn't matter anymore. He had failed.

This is what I was meant to do, and I'm going to do it right.

For some reason, a tiny voice in the back of my mind said, "Sophie, this is wrong! You are a good person! Don't do this!" but I shoved it away.

Time to focus on the task.

For the Neverseen.

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