-> several weeks later.

It's been two weeks now since Joshua arrived, he's become good friends with his roommates and is gradually falling in love with Jeonghan, but in view of the situation he says nothing. Now the boys are no longer tied up, they're free as a bird, but if they try to escape they're caught and they get martyred to death.
Every night he's abused by women as well as men, it's the same as for Jeonghan and two other young men barely sixteen and fifteen, visual beauty has no right to be spoiled so the blows are given only to the young man's torso, back and legs.

Right now he's sitting on his bed, which is simply a dirty mattress on the floor, covered in his own blood, looking out the window above and thinking of his father and mother, missing both his parents, missing his home, missing everything about his life outside...

" Shua ? Do you want to get out of here too ? " Chan asks gently...

" Yes, but I don't know how through..."

Suddenly a shrill scream rings out and Chan starts to cry - it's Seungcheol who's upstairs at the moment, and the boy is probably being sexually abused as usual. Jeonghan, who'd gone to see Jihoon in the next room, returns at that moment and comes to take Chan in his arms.

" This situation can't go on, we've got to get away from here, we miss our homes, we miss our families, we've got to come up with a plan..."

" How many children are left here with us ? "

" Thirteen and we all want the same thing. To leave..."

Joshua sighs and nods the door to their room opens at that moment and Seungcheol gets pushed inside and they get locked in again, the eldest is covered in his own blood as always and he runs into the toilet and starts to vomit, then when he looks up he sees something that will potentially be able to help them escape, and he also wonders how they've never been able to see this before.

" Guys come take a look, I may have found a way for us to get home."

The three young men arrive and see a trapdoor on the roof. Seungcheol feels weak but wants to go anyway, being the oldest in the house he has to save everyone. Joshua and Jeonghan help him up, and the older man leaves through the house's air ducts.

That night, Jeonghan, Joshua and Chan decide to sleep together in the bathroom, on the floor, inwardly praying that everything will go well for Seungcheol and that they'll get out of here soon.

-> A few days later

It's now been three days since Seungcheol disappeared and, surprisingly, the people who are mistreating them don't care - well, they're not saying anything, but they do seem to be worried about the twelve remaining children. While Joshua is currently in Jeonghan's arms and Chan is in the room next door with Vernon, the boys hear noises echoing upstairs - it sounds like an altercation - and a few minutes later they see police officers coming to get them out.

Immediately, the children are taken to hospital and the families are notified. Joshua is finally reunited with his parents, and he's so happy, he starts to cry and his mother and father do the same, obviously reassured to finally have their son in their arms. Of course, after several weeks of care and supervision, Joshua and the other children are able to leave the hospital, and to celebrate, they decide to go and eat at a fast-food restaurant. What's more, it's Chan's birthday - he's finally fourteen, much to his delight.

" It feels so good to finally be free, our bodies and minds are forever scarred but we've been able to become really good friends."

" I wish we could have met under different circumstances, but life decided otherwise."

JiHan os book IIWhere stories live. Discover now