Ghost rider

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Joshua was living a quiet, peaceful life until he came across a troublesome vengeful spirit. Honestly, at first he didn't believe it, which is why he sealed a pact with the spirit without really thinking. But now that he's fighting evil at night, he's forced to believe it. If he fails to do the devil's bidding, the American could be killed by the devil, but since he's already been burned by the devil, he doesn't want to risk death.

Tonight, he must once again don his Ghost Rider mask, making himself invisible and always ensuring that justice is done, that anything goes, even violence and murder.

Strange as it may seem, Joshua has taken a liking to this, because he honestly helps the most unfortunate and ensures that the most wicked are finally treated as they should be.

Tonight could be a dangerous night, as the spirit has asked him to seduce a man who is rich in business and interested only in money. Seducing him will make it easier to kill him, since he'll have no idea that Joshua is hiding a weapon in the inside pocket of his jacket.

Joshua dresses all in black, wearing black make-up and his famous black lip balm too. Satisfied with his look, he takes one last look in the mirror and writes on it : Kill Mr Yoon Jeonghan

He smiles wryly and steps out of the bathroom to put on a leather jacket and his brand-name shoes, deliberately leaving his hair uncombed so that it falls over his eyes and is easily recognizable. The American takes care to put a mask over his eyes too, so that if his hair blows away in the wind, the top of his face will still be hidden by the mask.

The young man finally gets out of his house and goes straight to his place of work. Well, place of work, it's supposed to be a bar, but for him, as a Ghost Rider, it's his place of work.

Joshua quickly arrives at the bar, and without much difficulty finds his prey, slowly touches his weapon to his coat, and advances towards Jeonghan. Seeing the young man approach, Jeonghan smiles, and the American sits down directly beside the Korean.

" I'm very bored, could you help me with my boredom ? "

Joshua's voice low and sensual, he slowly caresses Jeonghan's leg with his hand and gently comes to place chaste kisses on the blond's neck.

" Calm down, you know everyone here knows you. I know what your end goal is. "

" Am I that well known ? "

" Ghost Rider... you want to do me good and then do me bad Ghost Rider ? That's not very cool."

" I'm sorry Mr.Yoon but I need to do this, I need to live too. "

" Don't you have any way to stop this ? Like stop kill people ? "

Suddenly a red glow appears in front of Ghost Rider face and the spirit of the devil making pacts with Joshua are here only visible by Joshua obviously. He smiles delicately and points at Jeonghan's photo, then makes a heart with his fingers and smiles again then disappears, Joshua sighs, he understand immediately the situation and he think it's not going to work.

" Why did you just sighs like this ? Any problem in particular ? "

" The spirit just told me that if we fall in love with each other, all my pacts are cancelled. And my Ghost rider contract ends too. And I can stay alive freely without kill or fuck people around me."

 JiHan | one-shot ( book II )Where stories live. Discover now