Slush [ Lime ]

251 8 8

Type : Cute with a little hot scene

Top : Jeonghan

Seohyeok of NTX side ship


Jeonghan sleeps peacefully in his bed, wrapped in his warm comforter and his head resting on his pillow. He dreams of a magical moment, he sees himself asking his best friend for advice on an engagement ring to give to his boyfriend, he spends the afternoon shopping and in the evening he proposes to his lover if he would like to become his husband, his lovely boyfriend answers...

The blond's alarm goes off, the boy grunts and sighs, turns off his mobile in a slow, morning energy, and sits down on his bed to stretch and yawn softly. Then he looks to his side, and it's only then that he realizes his boyfriend isn't there. The blond frowns, as he's usually the one who wakes up his lover, but apparently he won't have to this morning, which makes him a little sad because he loves waking up his lover, who always makes such a cute little face when he emerges from his sleep. Too bad this morning he won't be allowed to.

Jeonghan gets out of bed and puts on a jacket over his pyjamas, then goes into his living room, where he sees his lover at the bay window of their living room watching the weather outside.
The older man goes straight to his lover's side and embraces him from behind, resting his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.

" Did you see how beautiful it is Jeonghannie, it's slush."

" When the slush turns into real snow I'm sure you'll go and play in it."

" You know me really well. Will you help me make a snowman ? "

" Of course, my little deer."

" I'm not a deer."

" Yes you are, your eyes shine with the same intensity as a doe's eyes. "

Joshua doesn't even know why but he starts to blush, he puts his two little hands over his face to hide his blush, Jeonghan finds this adorable, afterwards he finds all his lover's reactions cute, he's still shy and he blushes easily after every compliment, Jeonghan's heart melts every time his lover turns into a shy little child.

Jeonghan slowly lets go of his boyfriend, his hands simply coming to rest in the hollows of his lover's hips and he gently turns him towards himself, Joshua lowers his head to the ground, but Jeonghan lifts his head with his fingers, delicately he comes to press his lover's back against the bay window and he comes with extreme gentleness to place his lips on his lover's, the kiss is soft and filled with love and tenderness, both eyes closed and hearts soothed.

The American slowly opens his eyes and sees through the window in front of him that the melted snow has turned into compact snow, the younger smiles into the kiss, puts his little hands on Jeonghan's shoulders and gently pushes him away. The eldest is sad, wanting to continue the kiss until they run out of breath, but Joshua seems to disagree.

" The slush is now compact snow ! Let's go outside and play."

" Okay. But first you come put on a scarf, gloves and a hat. "

" I'm not your child Hannie-ya. I'm your boyfriend."

" It's not my fault you act like a child. Hey, baby at least you know that when we have a kid I'll make a good dad."

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