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Felix nervously walked around his apartment waiting for it to be seven. He hadn't been here in months since he's been staying at the compound mostly since he was taken. He grabbed some of his dead plants to give them some water hoping to revive them. The kitchen clock beeped letting him know it was now six thirty. He walked his plants over to the window sill, wiping the dust off of it before setting them down. They will be okay here right, he thought. Trying to distract himself from what's to come. Why am I so nervous? It's just...wait is this a date? He asked himself. His hands were getting clammy now from how nervous he was feeling.

The doorbell rang pulling Felix out of his thoughts. It turned to the kitchen clock to see the time. six forty, he's early, he thought as he walked over to the door. He did a quick glance around his kitchen and living room before opening the door.

"Hello," Hyunjin greeted Felix.

Felix looked the older up and down. He looks so good, he thought. Hyunjin had on a white button up shirt that was rolled up to his elbows. Showing off parts of a tattoo on both arms. I wonder what his tattoos are, he thought.


They both stood there taking the other in before Felix realized he was just staring. "Umm were you ready to leave?"

"What I don't get to come in?"

Felix's eyes widened and the older's forwardness. "Oh umm..."

"I'm just teasing. If you're ready to go then we can," Hyunjin said, smirking.

Felix just nodded. He walked back into his apartment, leaving the door slightly ajared to grab his keys and phone off the kitchen counter. He closed and locked the door before turning back to the older. "After you."

Hyunjin walked down the hallway towards the elevator. Felix followed behind him. They stood there in silence while they waited for the elevator. This is awkward, he thought. The elevator dinged letting them know it was arriving and they stepped in.

They stood on opposite sides of the elevator. Hyunjin glanced over at the younger every so often. They finally arrived on the garage floor and Felix continued to follow him to his car.

"You never told me where we are going," Felix finally spoke up once they arrived to Hyunjin's car.

"You'll see," Hyunjin said, winking at Felix before getting into the car.

Felix stood there for a second, staring at the space where the other just stood. I feel like maybe this wasn't such a good idea, he thought to himself. He pushed the thought aside and climbed inside the older's car. They got out of the garage and made their way to the highway.

"You look really nice by the way," Hyunjin finally spoke up, glancing at the younger.

Felix blushed from the compliment. "So do you." He stared out the window watching the lights of the buildings go by.

"So, tell me about yourself. I know you work for the city. What do you do exactly?"

Felix turned to look at the older trying to figure out what to say. How much of the truth should I tell him? I am not even sure if I trust who he is yet, he thought. "I just work in a small contract firm. We just do small things here and there wherever we are needed." he said, sticking close to the truth, without oversharing.

"Sounds like it keeps you busy."

"You could say that. What about you? I know you own your gallery. Do you do anything else?

"I have a few other small businesses I support here and there, but it's mainly just the gallery."

Felix turned to the older, watching him as he answered. "How long have you had your gallery now?"

"It's been about five years."

"You're very talented. Your pieces are really beautiful."

Hyunjin wasn't expecting the compliment and blushed. He felt embarrassed and shy. He cleared his throat trying to push the feeling away, "Umm...thanks."

He is cute when he blushes, Felix thought, watching the older. "Have you always wanted to be an artist?"

Hyunjin nodded his head, glancing over at the younger. "It's been a dream of mine since I was child. I just got very lucky."

"And your parents? Are they happy with their accomplished artist son?"

Hyunjin clenched his jaw, his hands slightly tightened on the steering wheel. He didn't like talking about his parents. They abandoned him when he was younger and he's been on his own for as long as he can remember. "I don't know. My parents aren't apart of my life."

Felix flinched, knowing he hit a nerve, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit a sore spot."

Hyunjin shook his head, "It's fine. I just never really knew my parents."

Felix nodded his head understanding. His own parents died when he was younger in a car accident and he was raised by his aunt and she did her best but he still missed his parents. He glanced out the window and saw the exit for Incheon. Where could we be going? he thought.

"What's in Incheon?" Felix asked, turning to look at Hyunjin.

Hyunjin turned to glance at the younger. "We are almost there. You'll see once we get there."

Felix didn't say anything and turned back to look out the window, and watch the landscape outside. It didn't take long before they pulled into a lone warehouse. Felix started to feel nervous. His anxiety was making his heartbeat rapidly and his hands started sweating.

"What are we doing here?" Felix asked, trying to control his breathing. "You're not kidnapping me are you?" He asked, and then nervously chuckled.

"Don't worry it's nothing like that," Hyunjin said, parking the car. He got out and expected the other to follow, but Felix stayed. He peeked his head into the car, "are you coming?"

"Oh umm yeah," Felix said, finally snapping out of it and climbing out of the car. He followed the older to the door and Hyunjin unlocked it, holding it open for him. He hesitantly stepped inside and his breath caught in his throat. He stepped more into the space, his eyes wandering around trying to take everything in.

Hyunjin stepped in beside him. Closing the door behind him. "So what do you think?" he asked, watching the younger.

Felix looked by at the older wide eyed. "Is this...is this all yours?"

Hyunjin nodded his head, it was now his turn to look around. "Yeah these are all the pieces that aren't perfect. So they stay here and this is where I also go to create more pieces."

"Can I walk around?"

Hyunjin nodded. Felix started walking and stopping to look at all the pieces. Hyunjin followed slowly behind him, watching all of his reactions. He stopped in front of a pile of paintings and sketches. He stepped closer and knelt down, reaching out to touch the painting. Is this me? he thought. It shared a very similar resemblance to me.

"Who is this?" Felix asked, turning back to look at the older.

Hyunjin stared at Felix, deciding whether to reveal it or not. "They are....of you."


1212 words

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