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Chan has not been sleeping, and it was taking a toll on him. It's been a week since Felix was grabbed and they haven't gotten anywhere in trying to find him. Chan was pacing back and forth in trying to figure out what their next move should be when Seungmin walked in.

"Chan hyung, you need to get some rest. You..."

"Rest?!" Chan practically yelled at the younger. "How can I get any rest when Felix has been missing for a week? We don't know anything. He could be de..." Chan couldn't even finish his sentence, swallowing the lump forming in his throat. "We just need to find him. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you."

Chan collapsed on the seat next to him, his head in his hands. Emotions and exhaustion overcoming him. They had searched tirelessly for their leader, but with no prevail. He was starting to lose hope, but knew that he couldn't. He wouldn't until they found him dead or alive.

"It's okay hyung. I know you're tired. We all are. We will find him," Seungmin said, clasping a hand on the older's shoulder.

Chan nodded, he was tired, so tired, but he wouldn't rest until they found their leader. "Let's do a canvas of the warehouse again. Maybe there was something we missed."

Seungmin nodded, "I will let Han know and we can get ready to leave."

Seungmin watched as Chan nodded. He left the oldest and headed into the next room to get the rest of the team. He sighed his chest feeling heavy with anxiety, but he had to put a strong front on for the others especially since Chan was so stressed out. He took another deep breath, exhaling hard before entering the next room.

"Guys suit up. We are leaving in ten. We are headed back to canvas the warehouse," Seungmin announced. He looked around and everyone looked exhausted. They had barely been sleeping since Felix had gone missing.

"We've already looked there several times, if we haven't found anything by now i don't think we will find something this time," Han said hesitantly.

Sengmin sighed, he agreed, but he had to keep looking not only for Felix, but for Chan. "It doesn't hurt to look one more time."

Han just nodded and got up to get his gear on. He watched as Seungmin left the room and he glanced back at I.N who had been staring off into space the whole conversation. Han walked back over and gently shook the younger.

"You okay?"

I.N looked up at Han, his face getting red as if he was about to cry. He didn't say anything, just nodding his head yes.

Han stepped closer to whisper, "Do you wanna stay here and look through the surveillance tapes again?"

I.N dropped his eyes, nodding his head. He wasn't one to usually let his emotions get the better of him, but from the lack of sleep and the anxiety they were all on edge.

"It's okay. I will let the others know," Han said, patting I.N on the shoulder.

Han turned around and walked out of the room taking a deep breath. Felix, where are you, he thought.

Sorry for the shorter chapter. It's been a week.
535 words

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