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*Trigger Warning (r*pe is mentioned)

Hyunjin walked out of Felix's room, not answering his question. He didn't know how to answer. He honestly wasn't even sure why he was keeping the other around. He normally would've killed their prisoners by now after getting information from them. But he was just infatuated with Felix. Not only was the Felix beautiful to him, but he could tell he was a stronger leader and determined. He has been evading Felix's team for the past few years and he's grown fond of the charismatic man.

Hyunjin closed the door to Felix's room leaving the other alone . He kept his baseball hat and mask on while walking past some of his men, who glanced over at him, but didn't say anything to him. Since only a few of his top men knew who he was he made an effort to conceal his appearance. He made his way through the compound, pulling out his phone to text Lee Know.

Hyunjin looked around before slipping into his office unnoticed. He pulled off the baseball hat and mask, throwing them on his desk. He picked up the gin bottle and poured himself a glass. He took a sip as he walked over to the window to stare outside. He watched as the busy streets the cars drove by on the busy streets of Korea. He was lost in thought until he heard a knock on the door and he turned around.

"Come in."

Lee Know walked in bowing before walking over to sit down on the couch. Lee Know was second in command under Hyunjin. He was the face of the organization. Everyone one that was recruited into the Snake Eye Clan went through Lee Know before they were welcomed into the organization. Lee Know and Hyunjin were also childhood friends before they even got into the world of corruption. They both climbed their way up through the organization and now Hyunjin has been their leader for the past five years and Lee Know has been by his side the whole time. They trusted each other and never made a decision without talking to each other first about it.

However, Hyunjin has been keeping Lee Know in the dark about Felix and it's making the older weary. He sat on the couch watching Hyunjin, who went back to staring out the window. He watched the older seeing if he could pick up on anything.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on with the prisoner?"

Hyunjin paused before he sighed and turned around to look at Lee Know. "What is there to tell?" He asked, sipping on his glass.

Lee Know kept watching the younger, taking notice of anything unusual. "Others are starting to talk, especially after the incident."

Hyunjin clenched his jaw, his grip tightening on the glass in his hand, but he tried to keep his composure, "And what are they saying?"

"Just surprised that he's still alive. You aren't known for your leniency. I am also curious, you killed one of your men because of him. It's not like it's the first time a prisoner was raped, by one of our men. What's different about him?"

Hyunjin turned his back, so Lee Know couldn't see his facial expression. Anger grew in his stomach hearing the older mention the rape and he couldn't control his emotions at the moment, which was unusual for him. He counted to three before he took another sip of his drink to calm himself before answering the older.

"You know I never approved of that. Your style and how you handle the prisoners was never my style. There is nothing different about it him.  Everyone is overthinking it. Keeping him here is keeping the authorities off of our backs."

"You aren't wrong," Lee Know added, he narrowed his eyes at the younger, still feeling like he was keeping something from him. "Well, there's another shipment of guns coming in. We should talk about that."

Hyunjin nodded his head, still facing away from Lee Know, "yes let's talk about the shipment." He was thankful for the change of subject. He knew the older was already suspicious of him and he didn't need Lee Know looking into anything. He wanted to keep protect Felix, he paused, no longer listening to the older. What am I even thinking, he thought. He shook his head letting the thought go in mind.

Lee Know continued to talk though he knew the younger was no longer listening to him. I need to figure out what's with this prisoner that is holding Hyunjin back, he thought. Honestly I should just have someone take care of it, hmm I will have to talk to Changbin after this, he thought.

What is Lee know planning?!

792 words

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