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Felix and I.N followed the mysterious man and they were now on an elevator riding it up to what seemed like the top floor of the gallery. The ride was silent, Felix and I.N exchanged a few looks but neither said anything. Both were on high alert not sure what to expect at the end of this.

The elevator dinged signaling they reached their floor. The doors opened revealing a large wooden double door. The man stepped out first gesturing for them to go inside. I.N hesitated and turned to look at Felix, who was already looking at him. The older nodded and they both stepped out, the elevator doors sliding close behind them.

There's no going back now, Felix thought. The man opened the door to show off a dark aesthetic office. There was a sleek black leather couch in view and large windows overlooking the city.

"You may go in," the man said.

Felix took a deep breath before entering the office. He stepped inside and looked around, soaking everything in. His eyes finally fell on their host, Hyunjin. He shouldn't have been surprised but his cheeks slightly burned from the blush that was forming. When he noticed how intently the older was staring at him.

"Hello. Welcome." Hyunjin spoke finally. "Oh hello. I don't think we've been introduced," he said facing I.N when he walked in. He walked over and held out his hand. I.N grasped his outstended hand and shook it.

"Hello I am I.N.," I.N said introducing himself while giving Hyunjin a once over. He's even more attractive in person, he thought. He glanced over at Felix and was taken aback seeing the older blush. I've never seen him like this, he thought amused.

"Hello there Felix," Hyunjin said to the younger smiling. "Come sit. Make yourselves comfortable," he said gesturing over to where the couch was.

"Hello," Felix said after clearing his throat. He was feeling incredibly nervous for some reason. He walked over and sat down next to I.N who kept glancing between the two men.

"Did you lose my card?" Hyunjin asked, making Felix blush even harder. He's cute when he blushes, he thought. "I only ask because you should've told me you were coming. I could've given you an exclusive tour," he said sitting down across from Felix

"Umm no we just happened to have some free time today," Felix said, feeling embarrassed. He scratched the back of his neck looking away from Hyunjin. "Plus I didn't want to bother you."

Hyunjin was amused. "It would've been no bother. I gave you my card expecting a call, but maybe I should've just asked for your number instead so you can't avoid me." He got up and walked over to where Felix was sitting and extended out his hand. Felix looked up at him, confusion written on the younger's face. "Your phone," he said calmly.

Felix was shocked by the older's forwardness and embarrassed because he knew I.N would tease him once they left. He handed over his phone after unlocking it. He watches Hyunjin type something and a ding go off, making him look over at the noise. He noticed a phone on the desk in front of him light up.

"There now you have my number and I have yours," Hyunjin said, handing back Felix's phone to him. He walked back over and sat down.

I.N coughed trying to keep his laughter in. The whole scene playing out in front of him was amusing. Felix glanced over at him and he gave the older a teasing smile which caused Felix to roll his eyes. He laughed to himself and couldn't wait to tell the others.

"What did you think of the exhibit so far?" Hyunjin asked. "Did you get to see the new piece?"

Felix nodded his head. "We were looking at the piece when we were summoned here."

"And what did you think?"

"Umm..." Felix started.

Felix glanced over at I.N thinking about what the younger had said before they were brought up here. There's no way the painting is of me right? he asked himself. He looked back over at Hyunjin and made eye contact with the older.

Hyunjin had this look in his eye that Felix couldn't place what it meant. He patiently waited for the younger to answer. He had his knees crossed and his hands clasped around his top knee. His hands were surprisingly sweating, but he kept his calm composure up.

"Your pieces are beautiful. They show such raw emotion and are breathtaking to look at," Felix finally muttered out.

"And the new piece? What did you think of that?"

"It's beautiful. I couldn't stop looking at it."

Hyunjin smirked, "Well I was inspired by something beautiful."

Felix flushed, feeling like the older was implying something, but didn't want to assume. "Oh," he whispered.


810 words

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