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Felix blinked confused. His voice? Where have I heard his voice before? He thought. Felix then remembered that it was the gentleman that he had met right here in the coffee shop the day before the mission. What was his name again? He looks just as good as the first time we met, he thought to himself.

"Oh umm hello," Felix awkwardly said.

"Oh sorry, you may not remember me. We met here a few months ago," the man said. He extended his hand, "my name is Hyunjin." Felix didn't take his hand so he dropped it.

Hyunjin, that's right. How could I forget those blue eyes? He's so handsome too, Felix thought. He was so lost in those blue eyes he forgot to answer.

"Oh sorry," Felix said,blushing that he got caught lost in the man's looks. "I'm Felix. It's nice to meet you...again."

"Glad to see that your eye has healed up."

Felix looked at him confused, "My eye?"

Hyunjin chuckled, "You had a black eye the last time I saw you. I think you said you ran into a wall?"

Felix blushed deeper. How embarrassing that he remembers that, he thought. "Yeah it is much better thank you."

Hyunjin nodded, he started to turn away before turning back to Felix. "Do you mind if I join you?"

Felix, who had taken a sip of his drink thinking the conversation was over, started choking on it. He started coughing trying to get the liquid down the right pipe.

"I'm sorry!" Hyunjin exclaimed, surprised.

Felix shook his head, still coughing into this hand. Finally the cough subsided, "No no you're fine. You just caught me off guard. Umm yes you're welcome to join me. Though I wasn't planning to stay much longer."

Hyunjin smiled. "Perfect let me go order."

Felix watched the man walk to the counter and ordered thinking of the other man's smile. There is something about him that's so familiar, he thought. He racked his brain on why this man seemed so familiar. Hyunjin came back over and sat down across from him. It was awkward and for some reason tense in the air. Though he couldn't figure out why.

"Have we met anywhere else? You just seem so familiar?" Felix finally asked. He stared into the man's eyes. He noticed something flickered across them. What was that? Did I push a button? I feel like there's more to this story, he thought.

Hyunjin didn't have a chance to answer since his name was called. He got up and grabbed his coffee. His mind and heart racing. Maybe, this wasn't a good idea. Does he remember more than I expected? There's no way he actually recognizes me? He thought. I should get out of here, he thought before sitting back down with Felix.

"I..." Hyunjin started.

"So..." Felix also started.

They both awkwardly laughed. Hyunjin started nervously playing with his lips, a habit he thought he got rid of years ago. He noticed what he was doing and immediately dropped his hand moving to pick up his drink and instead. Felix watched his every move. He finally put his cup back down and licked his lips, and he noticed a slight blush on the other's freckled cheeks. I want to see him blushing and writhing underneath me, he thought.

"So what brings you into this side of town?" Felix asked, interpreting Hyunjin's not so innocent thoughts.

"This is just a good spot to stop on my way to work. Plus you never know who you might run into?" Hyunjin teased. He smirked seeing Felix's blush deepend a bit.

Felix swallowed hard. He is definitely flirting with me, he thought. "Oh is your office close by?"

"It's not far," Hyunjin said, not really answering the question. "What do you do?"

That's weird, seems like he's trying to avoid questions about himself, Felix thought. "I work for the city. Nothing too special. What was it that you said you did?"

"I...oh excuse me for one second. I need to answer this." Hyunjin said, his phone ringing. He got up and walked outside to answer it.

Felix quickly pulled out his phone making his own phone call. He nervously looked outside for Hyunjin while the phone rang, the other end finally picking up.


"I.N, I am going to send you a photo. I need you to run facial recognition."

"Okay. I can do that. What's going on?"

"I'm just looking into something. Just tell me what you find. Oh and I.N this stays between us. I gotta go. I will send over the photo now." With that Felix not letting the younger answer.

I.N stared down at his phone after the older hung up confused. I wonder what's going on, he thought. He nervously waited for their leader to text him. After a few more minutes of waiting his computer beeped and he immediately pulled his email up and downloaded the photo and started running it.

Felix had quickly hung up the phone and looked for Hyunjin outside again. I gotta do this quick and make sure I don't get caught, he thought. His hands were sweating and he was more nervous then he should've been. He finally found the other man and snapped a photo of him when he turned to look in his direction for a second. He quickly sent it to I.N and put his phone away before the door rang signaling someone was coming inside again. He glanced up and saw that it was Hyunjin. He let out a breath and was thankful he wasn't caught.

Hyunjin walked back inside. He was already annoyed with the phone call when he noticed Felix had taken a picture of him while he was standing outside. Well things just got interesting, he thought.

"I hate to run, but I have to get back," Hyunjin said.

"It's okay. I should probably get back as well," Felix said, giving him a small smile.

"I would love to see you again...if you wanted to."

"You would?" Felix asked, generally confused.

"Of course. This might be a bit forward, but can I take you out later this week?"

Felix was generally surprised, "umm I -I don't know."

"Well here's my card with my number. Give me a call when you do," Hyunjin said, giving him a warm smile.

Felix took the slick black card from Hyunjin. Their hands touched and Felix had a mixture of emotions rush through him. What the fuck was that, he thought.

"I look forward to hearing from you," Hyunjin said, and with that he left. Leaving a shocked and speechless Felix. 


things are getting interesting!!! 

1086 words

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