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Felix was back at their main faculty getting his wounds looked at. While recapping on his mission.

"You are lucky this wasn't any deeper." Chan said, cleaning his gash. "I will give you some medicine for the pain but it will heal in a couple of weeks. It shouldn't leave a scar though"

"Thanks Chan hyung," Felix said, grimacing from the sting. "Okay, so I was able to download some data before they found me." Felix grabbed the micro usb out of his watch and handed it to Seungmin.

"That's great! Now we can figure out what the 뱀 눈 Clan's next moves are," Seungmin said, grabbing the usb from Felix and plugging it into his computer. Him and I.N started typing away together working their way through the information.

Felix and his team are a part of a special ops group that have been tracking the 뱀 눈 Clan, also known as the Snake Eye Clan, movements for the last several years. Felix was the leader of the group, though he was young he was very smart, and had great combate skills. Seungmin was their tech, he was a genius on the computer and made all their gadgets. Chan was skilled with all weapons and has never missed a target. Their fourth member, Han was one of the fastest and skillful drivers out there. Their last member I.N he was the youngest and also their communications and eyes and ears on the ground. He usually stays at their base and keeps an eye on all of them. He was an incredible hacker and there hasn't been anything he hasn't been able to hack.

The five of them have been teammates for several years now and have gone on several dozen missions together. They fully trusted each other and have been through thick and thin together. They were assigned to take down the Snake Eye Clan, but it's been a more difficult task then any of them could've imagined. No one knows who the leader is, they've never been seen and their identity has been well hidden.

The Snake Eye Clan only really emerged and grew in the last five years. They were known for selling on the black market, drugs, money laundering and some even said they went as far as trafficking and even murdering. They were ruthless and left destruction wherever they went. The higher up members were marked with a snake tattoo wrapped around their right arm. The leader is rumored to be ruthless, and eyes as sharp as a snake. He is a mystery and it's said that only his top men know who he was.

Felix and his team were gathering information to try and infiltrate the clan. It had taken them months to find the correct information for Felix to be able to do his mission today. Thankfully it was successful.

"Was there any new information on there you two?" Felix asked, walking over now that Chan was done cleaning up his wounds.

I.N turned and grinned, "Yes! We are able to find out their next exchange. It's going to be at the warehouse at the edge of town, in two days at midnight."

Felix nodded, "okay perfect. Do we know who the seller is?"

"It looks like an international seller from Europe. There's not a lot of information here on who they are, but it looks like it's a shipment of rifles as well as a few grenades," Seungmin said, looking through all the data.

"What do they need all that for?" Chan said, coming up behind them.

Felix shook his head, "I don't know, but it can't be anything good."

There was a heaviness in the air. Everyone was silent. They were taking in the information they just learned.

"Okay, we need to come up with a plan. We need to make sure the 뱀 눈 Clan does not get those weapons." Felix, walking over to the whiteboard to start planning their next moves.


Lots background info in this chapter. Thoughts so far?

663 words

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