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Felix shivered, his body felt like it was on fire, but he couldn't stop himself from shivering. He was laying on the bed with his body in a fetal position to try and stay warm. His teeth started chattering and he curled up some more. He heard the door open, but barely had the energy to move and see who it was.

"Felix?" Someone called his name.

Felix felt the person press a hand against his forehead. He shivered, his body littered with goosebumps from how cold the hand was.

"You're burning up," the person exclaimed.

Felix felt himself get picked up, he wanted groan in protest, but barely had enough energy to keep his eyes open. He opened his eyes briefly, and saw the tall man holding him, looking down at him worriedly. He closed his eyes again, passing out in the man's arms.

Felix woke up from sunlight hitting his face, and slowly opened his eyes. He squinted, confused why he was feeling sunlight on him. He slowly sat up, his body aching from being in bed for so long. He looked around him and realized he was no longer in the small room, but in what looked like a hotel room. How long have I been out, he thought. He glanced down, also realizing he was no longer handcuffed. He was only in a white t-shirt and boxers. His eyes scanned the rest of the room and didn't notice anyone else in the room. His eyes stopped on the phone, his heart jumping. There's no way they would leave me in here with a working phone right?  He thought.

Felix pushed the covers off of him and slowly got out of bed, his muscles feeling weak. He slowly and quietly made his way to the phone, picking it up with shaky hands. He lifted it to his ear, hearing the dial tone. His heart started beating fast. He started dialing Chan's number, thankful that he had memorized it. He kept glancing at the door, praying no one would walk in. The phone started to ring and he heart started beating faster, hoping the older would pick it.


Felix choked up, he couldn't get the words out. Letting out shaky breaths.



"Felix! Oh my god, where are you?" Chan exclaimed. He jumped up running to I.N so that the younger could start tracing the call. "I.N it's Felix. Trace this call right now!" Chan turned his attention back to the phone with their leader, "Felix how? We've been looking for you. Are you okay? Do you know where you are?"

"I don't know. I just woke up an-and I am in this room. It looks like a hotel room," Felix whispered, still glancing at the door.

"Is anyone else there?"

"I'm alone in the room right now, but I haven't gone outside of it yet."

"Don't! Stay put, we are coming for you."

Felix was shaking, was he finally getting to go home? He didn't want to get his hopes up, but he had faith in his team. He slowly made his way to the window to see if he could help figure out where he was.

"I can see the Banpo Bridge from my window."

"I.N narrow your search to hotels near the Banpo Bridge." Chan said, watching the youngest work.

"I found it!" I.N exclaimed. "It's the JM Marriot Hotel in Seoul. We just need to figure out what room he's in."

"Felix, how high are you? Can you tell?"

"I'm not sure, but I'm pretty high up."

"Let me check the security cameras," I.N said.

"Send me a location once you find it." Chan said, rushing to the car followed by Han and Seungmin, who have been listening the whole time. "We are coming Felix."


The three men headed towards the hotel, not sure what they would be faced with; they had to prepare for anything. They parked in the garage, and Chan and Seungmin headed towards the service entrance.

"Be prepared, we are going to be coming in hot," Chan whispered to Felix.

Felix looked around to see if he could find any clothes he could wear. He started sifting through the drawers and closest and found a hoodie hanging in the closest and threw it on. He hesitantly threw it on and the smell was familiar to him, but he couldn't place where he had smelled it before. He pushed the thought aside.

"I'm ready," Felix told Chan.

"Okay we've made it to the elevators already," Chan explained. It was tense in the elevator, as the two men waited for it to reach the top floor. "I.N what room are we looking for?"

"There's only one room on the top floor. Looks like once you reach the top floor there is one door you have to go through before reaching the room."

The elevator dinged open, "Felix, we just reached your floor. Be ready." Chan whispered as he cautiously leaned out to see if anyone was there. To his surprise it was empty. He glanced back at Seungmin signaling that the floor was empty and for them to proceed.

Felix made his way to the door, looking around to see if there was anything he could use as a weapon just in case he needed to. He took a deep breath, waiting for his team to walk through the door.


Do we think they ran into any issues?! Did Felix get rescued??

902 words

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