twenty four

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yang jungwon

"every time i'm here, i get jealous of your blanket. seriously what material is this? its crazy how its so soft. i've never had bed sheets this soft", your best friend, jungwon, said, truly sounding amazed. you looked over and saw that he completely buried himself in your blanket, only his head sticking out.

it made you laugh lightly, but you didn't answer. you focused on your homework while jungwon just enjoyed doing nothing and lying around. the room was filled with the smell of tea. your cup freshly refilled and hot, while jungwon's cup was only half full and already cold, standing on your night stand.

"and im jealous of you because you can lay there stress-free", you replied, but facing him with your back since you're sitting at your desk. he watched you doing your assignment for a minute or two, not wanting to interrupt you because he knew you get the most amount of stuff done when you're in a 'flow' like now.

you apologized to your best friend for having to work, putting on headphones and finishing your work in about thirty minutes. when you turned around on your desk chair, you see jungwon had dozed off. a soft smile spread on your lips and you decided to let him nap for a while. you packed your bag for the next day, then grabbed your phone and made yourself comfortable on the space that was left of your bed, being careful not to wake him up.

another twenty minutes passed before jungwon woke up, stretching and yawning. "rise and shine!" you greeted him. he laughed quietly, "shut up".

"i'd really like to have my bed back", you said. "too bad it's mine now", jungwon stuck out his tongue at you. you shrugged, "not like we haven't shared a bed before", and lifted up the blanket to get under it too. "hey, move!", you told jungwon, who just stared at you at first but then did move. you snuggled into your sheets, which were indeed very cozy - jungwon didn't exaggerate this time - and didn't even notice how your best friend tensed up next to you.

"sorry", you mumbled, "you probably expected a more exciting hang out than this."

"no", jungwon said, "i knew what i signed up for when i texted this morning."

you had to laugh, "why would you want to hang out here when i would be busy studying? are my sheets really that great?" jungwon smiled "well yeah they are great. but-", he paused, "i just wanted to spend time with you". your heart melted at the way he looked at you. the moment suddenly felt very intimate.

your body acted before you could think and you snuggled into jungwons side. he wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on top of yours.

the room fell quiet for a while and you just enjoyed the moment, butterflys dancing around in your stomach.

"you know", you hesitantly said, "i just wanted to spend time with you, too." jungwon kissed the crown of your head then. immediately, your cheeks turned red but you turned around to look him in the eyes nonetheless. you grinned, "i would always choose your company over anything even if it means that i study while you sleep".

and then, jungwon kissed you.

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