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park sunghoon

"wait, i have an extra toothbrush"

you look up to see your boyfriend rummaging through his cupboard, his low murmurs of "it should be here somewhere" being the only sound in the room, apart from the pitter-patter of raindrops hitting the windows.

you appreciate his attempts to rescue your toothbrush-less state, but you doubt he can help you require a special medical-grade toothbrush, having suffered from sensitive gums all your life.

"aha! found it", he picks up a delivery package, fishing out the scissors from a drawer in the nightstand, "let me open it".

he cuts through the plastic in a rather chaotic line,
his hands fishing out a pair of packed toothbrushes
they're the ones you use, in your favorite color.

"why do you have those?", you ask, astonishment
colors your voice.

"you told me, remember?", he shrugs, his pink cheeks making your heart even warmer.

you had told him, you remember now. it was on your
first date when you refused ice-cream, you had made
a joke about it.

"i can't believe you remember", your voice is filled
with wonder, "baby you're like, boyfriend-of-the decade material".

"i-its no big deal", you watch in delight as his cheeks
redden even further, his hands picking up the
discarded plastic as he heads to the door.

"no, i'll throw it", you take the packet from him,
surprised at his resistance, "it's the least i can do".
your eyes wander to the billing details on the plastic,
and you do a double-take at the date of order.

"it says here you ordered it in november", sunghoon
looks wildly embarrassed, "that was months ago
five months ago!"

"w-well", he clears his throat, "we used to watch a lot
of movies here, i thought that maybe - maybe if you
were sleepy and - and decided to stay, i wanted you
to be comfortable, you know?"

you watch him silently, wondering what you've done
to deserve this man. soonyoung, however, takes your
silence to mean something else.

"it's not that i expected you to stay over or
something", he rushes on, his hands twitching
aggressively, "but just - just incase-"

"sunghoon", you interrupt his nervous rambling,
meeting his wide eyes, "shut up and kiss me".


i'm so sorry for not being active, i'll promise to post a lot more now. thank you so much for 10k reads! i hope you all have the best day <3

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