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park sunghoon

"ladies first." sunghoon allowed me to step into the house first, making an over-exaggerated gesture as he did.
i chuckled, but stepped inside.
i was immediately bombarded with what seemed like hundreds of teenage bodies filling every inch of the house.
i heard sunghoon close they door behind me and walk in the house as well.
on instinct, i grabbed his hand and began leading the both of us through the mess of people.

the stench of alcohol grew stronger the longer i stayed here, and it seemed like sunghoon was noticing it too.
after a couple minutes, we finally found the kitchen, swept away in the far corner of the floor. sunghoon and i both let out a sigh of relief once we noticed that it wasn't as crowded as the entrance of the house.
i let go of sunghoon's hand, feeling a sense of coldness wash over me as i did.

"if this is jake's idea of 'the best party ever', then he's got all his facts wrong." sunghoon chuckled as he spoke. we both grabbed cups from the stand on the kitchen. i filled it up with punch, so did sunghoon. i wasted no time in topping the cup over into my mouth, feeling the sweet liquid trickle down my throat. it left a burning sensation behind. yep, there's definitely alcohol in this.
but i don't mind it. in a split second, both me and sunghoon cups were almost entirely empty. i guess we really needed this drink.

"aye! sunghoon, y/n, over here!" i heard a voice shout from across the room.
i looked over to see jake, the host of the party, and our best friend, waving a hand in the air as he motioned for me and sunghoon to come over to him. he was sitting on a couch, surrounded by a bunch of our other friends and random girls i didn't know the name of.
me and sunghoon both made our way to him, side by side.
"take a seat. so glad you two made it." jake had a wide smile spreading his lips as he motioned for us to sit down.
me and sunghoon took a seat on empty bean bags, making ourselves comfortable.

"now that my favorite people are here, let's play truth or dare. what do y'all say?" jake announced. everyone, including sunghoon immediately agreed to the idea of the game. i just stayed silent, it's not like my opinion will matter in this case.
"alright." jake spoke. "we all know the rules. we'll take turns asking the person on our right truth or dare. everyone got it?"
everyone nodded, including me this time.

"then we shall begin. y/n, you ask jay, he's the guy to your right."
i almost blushed at the sudden amount of attention that was placed on me from the circle of people i was sitting in.

"dare." he answered, not bothering to wait for me to ask him.

"okay then." i nervously fidgeted with my fingers.  this guy looks pretty intimidating. maybe he wants a pretty intense dare or something?

"we don't have all day here." a girl's voice spoke from the circle. her voice was high pitched, and quite irritating despite her only speaking one sentence.
"take 5 shots of vodka in a row." i quickly said, having nothing else to think about.
jay looked unbothered as he stood up, and made his way to the kitchen.
the rest of the circle, also including sunghoon, cheered for him, excited to see him highly intoxicate himself. 

jay came back after a couple seconds, 5 shot glasses filled with a clear liquid balanced on his hands.
he sat down, and wasted no time in gulping each shot, one by one.
with every shot, the circle cheered even louder, encouraging him to continue.
i don't like this.
he was done in a matter of seconds. his eyes looked a bit redder than before, the alcohol seemed to be kicking in for him.

"okay, my turn." jay spoke.
"soo yeong..." he looked to the girl on his right.
"i dare you to kiss sunghoon ."
i almost choked on nothing upon hearing that sentence.
i silently prayed that he would decline the offer. but no.
of course, a sly smirk spread his lips as he sat upright. 
the girl called soo yeong shrugged as she got up from her seat, and made her way over to sunghoon. 

she attached her lips to his in a blink. i watched as my best friend and some girl made out right in front of me.
my best friend that i like, and have liked for so long.
it felt as if i was being suffocated more and more with every passing second of watching the scene unfolding before me. the circle of people cheered louder than ever at the two people.
i feel sick.
i got up from my seat in a swift motion. i am not going to allow myself to cry in front of these people, and especially sunghoon.

everyone looked at me due to my abrupt motion, sunghoon and soo yeong.
"i need air." i gave them all a sickly sweet smile as i quickly began making my way out of the house, ignoring sunghoon's gaze that followed me. i reached the front door, and immediately slipped out of it.
fresh air filled my lungs, making me finally take a breath i've been needing to wake.
my eyes were beginning to sting with my tears, my breathing beginning to become irregular. 

i'm such a coward, such a coward for not confessing to him earlier. i'm just causing myself pain at this point.
why can't i just grow the fucking balls to tell him? i heard the front door open behind me. i didn't look behind me.
i need to go home.
i began walking off of the front porch, the urge to get home before most probably sunghoon catches up to me quickly growing.
"y/n, wait!"
of course it's sunghoon, it just had to be him.

i ignored him. tears started to slowly and painfully slide down my cheeks as i sped walked away. and of course, i'm never fast enough.
sunghoon's hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me around to face him. a concerned and confused look was plastered on his face as he looked at me.
"where are you going?"
"home." i spat, before turning back around, and prepared myself to start walking again. 

again, sunghoon spun me back around, an impatient expression beginning to mask his face.
"why is it bothering you so much? it's just one kiss, y/n."
i scoffed. this guy is the most oblivious person i've ever met, i'm surprised riki hasn't told him yet.
i turned back around, wishing to not be spun around again.
but not everyone's wishes can come true, right? 

for what seemed like the hundredth time, i faced sunghoon once again, a shocked expression on his face as anger began to rapidly rise in my chest.

"why are you crying-"
"maybe if i didn't like you, seeing you kissing someone else won't bother me so fucking much." i practically shouted, letting out what i've been holding in for so long.
thick silence filled the air for what seemed like decades. i prayed for sunghoon to answer me, to respond with anything.
but nothing. he said nothing, his visible shock being my only answer. 

i held back my sobs as i choked out my words. "don't bother wasting your time on me anymore." i didn't give sunghoon a chance to respond, before turning around for the last time, and began speeding off of the street.

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