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sim jaeyun

"Where'd you get that from?" Jake questioned as you downed the last bit of your mimosa. You paused picking the orange slice from the bottom of the glass.

"that guy over there in the white" Jake followed where you were pointing and then back at the drink.

"You're taking drinks from strangers?" You nervously sucked on you slice of orange avoiding eye contact with your boyfriend. "No-no he just bought it for me because he thought I was cute" Jake cocked an eyebrow and hummed as he looked around.

"Well what are you waiting for?" You looked him up and down confused.

"What, Jake?" He sighed closing his eyes.

"Go and get me one!"

"Huh? One of what?" You asked the tall brunette afraid of his answer. He pinched the bridge of his nose smacking his lips like he was stressing over the fact that you weren't catching on.

"Go flirt with him and get me a free drink duh!" Your mouth dropped hearing what just came out of your boyfriends mouth.

"Jake I'm not-"

"I want a Long Island ice tea" he took your empty glass sitting it on the bar counter. "Go get em' tiger" he gently pushed in the direction towards the guy who bought your first drink.

"wha- Jake!" You stuttered standing there in disbelief.

"What?! These drinks are expensive- oh and don't forget to do that little eye thing you did with me, It works every time" he winked shooing you away. You tried so hard to act upset but your smile cracked through.

"Jake- no we're leaving let's go" you snickered grabbing his hand heading for the exit. "But I didn't get my drink!" His whines replicated a toddler being dragged out of the toy isle.

You just rolled your eyes and continued to walk "And you won't."

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sorry for not posting for months, i was finishing my exams but i'm back :)

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