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things that remind enhypen of you.

whenever heeseung passes by the flower shop on the scenic route home, his first instinct is to walk in and buy the biggest bouquet known to man. he manages to hold himself back most of the time, but will still sometimes randomly show up with a bunch of roses big enough to cover his torso. and every time, without fail, your cheeks flush red and you flash a big smile at him. that alone is enough to make him take the long way home the next day.

jay, being the hopeless romantic he is, sees your face in the reflection of diamond rings. passing by the jewelry store on his way home from work doesn't calm his thoughts of starting a whole new life with you. he'll gaze into the window, face nearly pressed to the glass, daydreaming about a domestic life with you. for now, he'll stick to a promise ring, but he knows one day that it will come to be the ring.

jake is reminded of you when he's with layla. he's a strong believer that nothing can make layla better – except you. when he ruffles her fur and runs around the park with her, he's imagining you right next to him as he does it. even layla can sense something's missing when he's walking her alone. jake uses layla as an excuse to see you whenever he can. "she misses you!" he'll wail over the call. not that she doesn't want to see you, but even layla understands his intentions.

sunghoon thinks of you while he eats. whether its the kind of food so unbelievably good it makes his eyes grow wide is disbelief or the kind that he spits quietly into his napkin while no one's looking, he knows that you being there to enjoy it with him would greatly improve his eating experience. he wants to share all the good food with you only. you get texts everyday of pictures of his delicious meals. "you'd really like this restaurant," the text reads. "i'll take you with me next time."

sunoo sees you in the ridiculous couple items he sees in the store. "we should get these." he says with a serious face as he points at the "i'm hers / he's mine" shirts. you push him lightly as he bursts into a fit of laughter. he thinks of you whenever he sees cute matching phone cases and key chains, and he'll buy them everytime. you've never complained about it (you actually think its quite cute) but someone would think you do by the way he tries so hard to justify his purchases. "it was buy one get one free, i swear!" "sunoo i didn't even say anything"

jungwon finds a way to see you in everything he does. the members laugh anytime jungwon remembers a random episode connected to whatever topic it is they were discussing. he can't help but think of you in everything he does. his memories are filled to the brim with you, and he is determined to fill it up even more.

niki doesn't think anyone notices when he takes his little pictures. his members only giggle fondly as they watch their youngest not-so-discreetly snap a couple of blurry pictures of the heart shaped cloud in the sky or the ramen noodle that spelled out your first initial. he always sends you the pictures, which you have saved in a special album. you thank him for his thoughtfulness, as he brushes it off. ("i should at least do this much. we are dating after all" "niki you're so grown!" "shut up")

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