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nishimura riki

The sun was beginning to set as you walked arms linked together down the road from school. Niki had finished practice and you your study having met up after to walk home together.

You made small talk throughout your journey, sharing one of his airpods as you swayed lightly to the music. It was summer in a few days so you were both taking it easy after exams.

You reached town as Niki dragged you by your hand begging you to go to the convenience store you both loved. You obviously gave in sighing dramatically.

He playfully rolled his eyes pulling you along through the humming streets of the town under the lights that were strung over your heads and shone brightly in the evening.

You smiled widely to yourself as you admired the boy dragging you for his life towards your destination. You suddenly halted your movement still holding his hand as it slightly pulled him back.

He turned around with a questioning look moving closer. He looked beautiful as the lights flowed across his face, his bangs on the sides of his forehead still slightly sweaty from practice, eyes glowing from the atmosphere.

You snapped out of it and in a sudden rush nearly said the three worded sentence until his eyes lit up looking somewhere behind you.

"That place is better, come one", he pulled you along again as you giggle to yourself, you felt high off love. Your walking had finished at an ice cream shop, you looked at him judging slightly. "We have ice cream at home you know that", you say teasingly.

He shushed you quickly and pushed you in by your shoulders through the door as you laughed. You both scanned the many flavours until he settled for chocolate and you were still deciding.

"Which one", he asked in a murmur close to your ear.

"Mint chocolate", you answer confidently trying not to let your facade falter until it failed miserably as he judged you hardcore, almost glaring at you.

"Don't do that to me", he spoke as you burst into laughter saying a "vanilla please" to the lady behind the till. You continued to talk and enjoy each others presence until you finished your ice cream.

Walking out Niki held the door for you before walking out himself wrapping a hand around your shoulder. "Am I not the best boyfriend ever", he asked tone laced with tease pulling you into him.

"Mmmm I guess", you say in a retaliating tone looking down smiling as you heard him gasp. "I paid", he stated in mock offence.

"That's because you always nearly end up fighting me when I try to", you cry out pushing him playfully.

"That's right baby", he smiles at you.

You ended up walking along a wider road in between houses that led to your own home which you guys shared. You fixed the airpod still in your ear.  "Can you turn it up", you ask softly, hearing one of your favourite songs play.

"I like this song", you say taking a hold of his hand swinging it widely as he took out his phone to increase the volume slightly.

"I like you", he suddenly says looking straight ahead.

You had to double take looking at his side profile a wide smile adorning your face as a blush rose to your cheeks. He still acted as if he was holding back a crush from you when you've been together for quite some time now.

"I think I like you too", you teased giggling as he moved away from you with a fake pout moving forwards now walking ahead of you. You laughed at his antics screaming for him to wait as he walked faster.

Your laughs echoed as you suddenly picked up your pace running and jumping onto the boys back as his hands instinctively held your thighs, jumping slightly to adjust.

You hands loosely crossed against his shoulders as you placed a kiss on his cheek.

"I love you", you whisper squeezing him lightly. You saw him bite back a grin licking his lower lip.

"Yeah?", he taunted as you replied with a "mhm". "I think I love you too", he says, lips in a full grin now. You're the one to gasp in mock offence  and act shocked burying your face in his neck.

"Shut up", you say lightly making him chuckle. The sun now set a warm orange tone over every thing it could touch including your boyfriend. You kept walking, well Niki did you just clung onto him as he carried you both home.

"I love you too darling", he suddenly continues making you blush yet again, music still playing quietly in your ear.

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