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Sometimes even the most self-confident and without a single drop of doubt in their hearts, people feel insecure about something. Also, for example, jealousy, even the most stubborn and inflexible people contribute to the manifestation of jealousy towards someone.

What exactly is jealousy?

First of all, this feeling is very disgusting, it hurts, it angers and unsettles a person. Even the most balanced person can be knocked down by jealousy, defeated on the spot.

Jealousy is a kind of sense of ownership.

Just as love has no closer friend than jealousy, so it has no greater enemy than jealousy. Just as nothing is more hostile to iron than rust, which over time is born directly from itself.

It's as if, say, you were floating serenely somewhere in the clouds and suddenly began to feel some kind of anxiety, danger and hostility. It's as if someone else's foot has invaded your personal environment, yours in the sense where your loved one was, or your closest friend, for whom you have special feelings, or your soulmate. The key word was "yours", which gave a strong taste of ownership.

There is a feeling of anxiety. And it's like you're flying down like a meteorite, all flaming, pressing into the ground, feeling broken into all parts. But, despite this, in order to oust this opponent from his field.

Perhaps this is a strange description, but it is more a description of one of the feelings, because there are many of them. But in fact, jealousy can be different, someone is jealous silently, and someone loudly, someone imperceptibly, and someone openly.

But if, to illustrate, we give an example of jealousy in the form of a weaker metaphor, then this is not when yours is taken away from you or what belongs to you, this is when someone takes away a piece of you. No, okay, this is all bullshit, this is when you are deprived of everything, and in the end you have absolutely nothing left.

Jealousy is a very painful and heartbreaking feeling, and everyone struggles with this feeling in different ways.

If you bring everything to the surface, then Jisoo is a very jealous person, no weaker than Jennie. But the fact is that Jisoo will not show it openly, she will hide it deep inside herself, she will hide jealousy with silence. However, she will suffer a lot inside, it will hit her very hard, as if a lot of arrows will pierce through her.

If she ever meets this green monster, and in this sense - jealousy, then it will fucking kill her self-esteem, her self-esteem will literally lie down in the grave and say goodbye.

Jisoo is a very insecure person, and she will always doubt everything.

Jealousy is such a thing when a person turns small things into big ones, dwarfs into giants, and guesses into truth.

The golden Eiffel Tower sparkled in the deep quiet night, the stars danced with the moon in a spring dance in a black sky like the sea. You can really look at something forever, at the sparkling stars, at the shining moon, at the picturesque sunset, the dance of fire, the flow of water or how a person sleeps.

In a dark room, in absolute pitch darkness, in addition to the moonlight, the brunette lay on the bed under a fluffy blanket and looked thoughtfully at how Jennie was sleeping soundly, curled up. There was utter silence all around, and it was excessively loud, if possible deafening.

The slightly ajar window let in a cool breeze, leaving cold footprints in the room and forcing a trembling Jisoo to bury her face in the blanket. However, she ignored it. Something was pressing inside, making her throat tremble, and tears glistened in her eyes. She was neither sad, nor hurt, nor sick, tears just wanted to come out, her body wanted to get rid of what was accumulating in it.

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