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The golden, serene desert was boiling in the midst of the heat, making the sand scorching. There was not a single breath of wind, only stuffiness and heat blew around. However, a storm was raging somewhere out there, a hurricane was destroying everything in its path.

Instead of the soaring radiant sun, thunderclaps raged, resembling heartbeats.

It was what she felt, it was what her heart felt, it was what her body felt. Her heart was pounding furiously in her chest, and her body was burning excitedly.

This day turned out to be perhaps the sharpest on her tongue, leaving her confused and disheveled. This kiss, no, these kisses knocked her out of her rut, completely knocking her emotional scale to hell.

Jisoo is a very shy and nervous person, shunning moments in which she may experience even the slightest glimmer of nervousness or embarrassment. If you even take her by the shoulder or by the hand, she will be nervous, but she won't show it, and if it's a girl, she will be even more nervous, but she won't show it either. Tactility is not her thing, it's an intimate thing for her, she even hugs her parents occasionally, mostly only on their birthdays, nothing more.

Besides, she still couldn't stomach the recognition Jennie had given her. She confessed so casually and calmly, as if she were talking about the weather. How could she admit something like that so calmly?

However, she still didn't believe it, the kiss didn't mean anything. Right? Yes, that's right. How can anyone like her? It was beyond her comprehension.

Those who showed at least some romantic interest in her, she pushed away from herself or shunned herself, she did not need it. She doesn't need any relationship, no love, nothing to do with it.

But she respond to a kiss. And it was so alien that she didn't know what came over her. She would never in her life kiss someone she has known for less than a month, or indeed someone she has known even for a year, two, three, it doesn't matter, it's just her principle. She's just not that kind of person. She probably just gave in to an impulse and kissed her. Right? Not responding to a kiss would be very rude and insulting, wouldn't it?

Her politeness was off the charts, wasn't it? Maybe, unfortunately, that's the way it is, she's damn polite. But is that the reason? Was that the reason she respond to a kiss? She didn't know, maybe yes, maybe no, she just didn't know. She didn't know anything and wasn't sure if she wanted to know anything at all.

All she knew was that she liked the kiss, but she was terribly confused and confused, as well as in terrible panic and indecision. After the kiss, they returned to the couch and watched some French movie. Jisoo acted as if nothing had happened, but inside she was dying of nervousness, she probably should have said something, but she had no idea what exactly.

All she had in mind was that she wanted to be alone, just to calm down and relax, take a breath, get distracted.

Call her weird, scared, fucking sociophobic, whatever you want, but that was how she felt.

Imagine that you have never performed on stage, and suddenly you are asked to sing, but you do not know how to sing, in front of hundreds, thousands of people, you are overwhelmed with panic, fear and excitement, and your body boils with an excess of emotions, and you begin to tremble like a chihuahua. This is what a sociophobe feels almost every time he finds himself in the social sphere, and it sucks so much.

Or imagine that you are an ice cube, and the touches of a beautiful and picturesque flame suddenly touch you, and you immediately melt. It's a strange example, but the bottom line is that two completely different elements collide with each other and one wins. Although, if you think about it, these two elements are equal, it all depends on the amount of ice or fire.

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