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-Can I stay at your house for the night? I really don't want to go home.

And how could she refuse? She couldn't. Jennie looked very tired, and Jisoo would have felt like a terrible person if she had refused.

They stayed in the office. Jennie was working with documents, talking to one of her work colleagues, leaving from time to time to solve some cases, and returning with an even more tired and annoyed look, while Jisoo sat silently on the couch and read a detective novel.

Their eyes met from time to time, and each time she sent a shy smile before turning her attention back to the book in her hands.

Despite her fatigue, Jennie continued her work. And Jisoo felt, you know, a little guilty because she couldn't do anything to help, although logically she shouldn't feel guilty, but she felt like a helpless thing. But she was too shy and was afraid to offer help, even though she knew that she would hardly be able to help in any way.

After a while, the clock struck five o'clock, when Jisoo's eyes looked back at the clock on the wall, Jisoo's attention was distracted by some kind of dispute.

-Mon Dieu, qui a fait ça? Non, ça ne devrait pas être comme ça, c'est tordu ici. Et qu'est-ce que c'est? (My God, who did this? No, it shouldn't be like that, everything is crooked here. And what is it?)

-Où? (Where?)

-Ouvre les yeux. Juste là. Les chiffres sont tordus ici, et cela ne devrait pas être ici du tout, il devrait être écrit à la fin. (Open your eyes wider. Right here. The numbers are written crookedly here, and it shouldn't be here at all, it should be written at the end.)

-Mais alors je vais devoir refaire complètement la table et l'imprimer à nouveau. Notre imprimante imprime à peine. (But then I'll have to completely redo the table and print it out again. Our printer hardly prints.)

-Martin, ce n'est plus mon problème, fais quelque chose à ce sujet, j'ai la tête fendue d'avoir à répéter la même chose à chaque fois. Tu sais que ce tableau est plus tordu que n'importe quel dessin d'enfant, et nous ne sommes pas à la maternelle. (Martin, this is not my problem, do something about it, my head is splitting from having to repeat the same thing every time. You know yourself that this table is more crooked than any child's drawing, and we are not in kindergarten.)

-D'accord, je vais essayer. (Okay, I'll try.)- A tall man in his thirties with stubble scratched the back of his head, sighing ruefully, as if he had no other choice.

-Je n'ai pas besoin de réponses douteuses, Martin, je dois faire un rapport dans une heure. Alors dépêche-toi. (I don't need questionable answers, Martin, I have to submit a report in an hour, you know? So hurry up.)

-Et tout d'abord, appelez l'Assistant. Si l'imprimante ne fonctionne pas, vous devez le faire fonctionner. (And first of all, call the master. If the printer is not working, then you need to make it work.)- Jennie added before the man could leave.

Jennie could be really demanding and harsh. Although she's not sure, because most of the time Jennie is gentle with her, as if she treated her differently. And she had never seen her like this.

But she realized something: it's better not to anger Jennie. But Jisoo also had doubts about this, because she didn't think she deserved special treatment.

Jisoo, sitting on the couch and pretending not to pay attention to anything, tried to read the book carefully, but suddenly a sigh reached her ears. And when she looked up, she saw a petite brown-haired girl looking through some document, continuing to stand in the doorway, as if she was ready to send this sheet into the trash.

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