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While the whole city was flooded with rain, the roads sparkled, the ants hid in their ant holes, the foliage enjoyed the freshness of every falling drop. Water streamed down the roofs, flowing down the pipes into the sewers. Homeless animals hid in their nooks in order to survive the bad weather. Earthworms joyfully crawled towards the refreshing moisture and happily tumbled, bathing in puddles on the asphalt.

Rain conveys feelings to everyone in different ways, it is pleasant to some, and hateful to others, but sometimes the weather also wants to be sad and shed tears. The weather does not hide its feelings, if it is upset, it will convey sadness with rain. If it is angry, it will summon lightning with a thunderstorm and paint the world with twilight. If it is happy, it will smile with its sunshine, sending warmth to the whole world.

It feels like the rain has washed away all the resentments and quarrels with its tears. The sharp corners in relations with the family were somewhat smoothed out, misunderstandings with friends were partially leveled into an even line, all the bad things seemed to be carried down the drain along with the rain on the roads.

To some extent, everything seemed to have calmed down.

Jisoo's relationship with her grandmother is fine. The quarrels with my mother subsided somewhat and were replaced by something more positive. With Rose, this unpleasant awkwardness seemed to disappear. Everything went quiet.

The two figures were outside the rainy clouds. The petite brown-haired girl gently held Jisoo by the small of her back with her hand as they shuffled up the stairs.

-I, uh, thought you were angry.- Jisoo said with uncertainty in her voice, stroking the handle of the umbrella in her hand with her thumb.

-What should I be angry at?- Jennie asked her in confusion.

-I don't know.. What if you're angry at me?

-Why should I be angry at you?

-I don't know...

When Jennie reached the second floor, she stopped them, turning Jisoo, whose eyes reflected fatigue and shyness, to face herself. Warm palms rested on pale but slightly flushed cheeks, the thumb of her right hand gently ran over the skin. The cat's eyes darted over her face, as if strolling and admiring, as well as trying to find answers to questions.

The brunette's eyes, on the contrary, could not resist such a gaze, so they shyly ran around. Her heart wouldn't stop pounding loudly in her chest. Whether it was from the fact that she was climbing the stairs, or from a person who gently stroked her cheeks and did not take her eyes off her.

-How can I be mad at a cutie like you?- Jennie asked, pinching her cheek. It wasn't a painful pinch, it was full of tenderness. Jennie is so harsh on the outside, but so soft on the inside.

-Maybe you can.- Jisoo only shrugged her shoulder hesitantly and answered quietly.

-Don't mumble.- Jennie mumbled and squeezed her cheeks, making her lips pout. The cat's eyes dropped, lingering on the lips for a moment before they rose to meet the gaze of the eyes opposite.- I don't know what I should be mad about, but now I'm mad at how sweet and beautiful you are.

Her pale cheeks turned red, and her dark long eyelashes blinked timidly. She lowered her eyes to the floor.

Jisoo took the compliment as an ordinary playfulness, but nevertheless could not help but feel shy. She turned away and retreated, heading for the last door at number 4 on the right down the corridor.

-Stop embarrassing me.- She muttered, to which she received a chuckle in response.

-Is that a bad thing? You're very cute when you're shy.

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