!🎪🐰Little Jax X CG Caine🦷💫!

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This was just a cute little idea I had 💜

Also Caine is flying for most of this! 🤦🏽‍♀️

Jax is feeling overwhelmed and he regresses a bit. Ragatha helps him find Caine and Caine puts him to bed

⚠️TWs! Over stimulation, mention of pullups/bed wetting

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It seems as a normal day in the circus, not really any adventures or anything much. Everyone was either in their rooms or just doing their own thing.

Jax decided to go on a walk with Pomni and Ragatha. As he was walking with them he felt a bit over stimulated and kinda upset... He didn't understand why, as he was still very young and still doesn't understand how to cope

He doesn't realize he's regressed a bit... He walks a bit slower while hugging himself a bit. He teared up and whimpered softly as he followed the two girls.

"Jax...? Are you okay??"

Pomni asked a little bit concerned, Jax quickly looked up and met Pomnis gaze

"O-Oh... Uhhm... Yea, I'm okay!!"

Jax sayed nervously, trying to hide the fact that he was distressed. He did a terrible job at doing so as Ragatha emeidietly noticed he had tears in his eyes, and just his timid and nervous body language gave away the fact he was overwhelmed or upset

Ragatha slowly approaches the timid boy and gently pets his ear a bit

"Jax... It's okay if your in little space, you know I can find Caine, he can help you out"

Ragatha said in the softest tone, just above a whisper. Jax teared up a bit more and held his eyes shut tightly. He cried a bit. Pomni approached as well, she obviously had no clue how to handle it but Ragatha was there and was going to help Jax find caine.

"Don't be scared Jax, it's okay... Me and Pomni are gonna find Caine and he'll take care of you okay little guy?"

Jax nodded as he was now on the verge of sobbing. Ragatha gently held his hand as she walked him around the circus trying to find Caine

Pomni eventually finds Caine and talks to him about Jax, Caine is surprisingly understanding of Pomni and he follows her to Ragatha and Jax

"Hey! Ragatha, I found Caine"

Pomni says as she ran a bit towards Ragatha, Jax was sitting on the floor with his knees close to his chest

"Oh... Hey Jax, are you okay?"

Caine says slowly approaching the rgerssed boy, Jax who trusts Caine a lot didn't respond but instead hugged him, Jax sobbed a bit into Caines chest.

"Sssshhh... It's okay Jax..."

Caine rubbed Jaxs back a little bit as he held his hand. Pomni and Ragatha left the scene, glad that Jax was now in good hands.

Caine walked Jax to his room. The small boy sniffles a bit as they walk together.

"Jax... What happened? It's okay if you don't wanna talk to me right now"

Caine said understanding that Jax is probably age regressing.

The guy stayes silent as Caine walked him to his room. As they came to a stop at Jax's room Jax gently tugged on Caine's arm.

"Hm!? Jax... Are you okay?"

Caine said as he looks down at him, releived that Jax wasn't crying anymore

Jax looks up at Caine, his hand gently on Caine's sleeve

"C-Can i... Just change and take a nap?"

Jax asks a bit nervously

"Oh, well yea. Of course Jax. How about I help you get to bed? Would you like that?"

Caine says in a surprisingly soft tone

Jax nods as Caine walks him into his room. Jax walks slowly as Caine flys next to him whilst holding his hand.

"I-... I'm sorry..."

Jax said in a soft tone with his ears down a bit

"Oh, no Jax you don't need to feel sorry about anything okay? It's alright"

Jax doesn't respond and 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 tears up as he hugs himself again.

After Caine comforted the guy a bit, he was ready to try and sleep,

Caine recommended Jax wears a diaper to sleep, since most times Jax age regressed he had trouble with bed wetting, it was rare but still happened a bit, besides Jax found diapers comforting when regressed

He changed mostly by himself and just wore a large T-shirt which mostly covered his diaper. Caine helped him fall asleep as he had a pack in his mouth as he slept peacefully


🎪🍼TADC Age Regression Oneshots🍭🎪  [PART 2]Where stories live. Discover now