Regressor Pomni X CG Jax [Rewritten]

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TW: Stress, extreme anxiety, panic attacks and slight bed wetting!!!

Pomni was in her room on the verge of crying feeling trapped, she was visibly shaking and seemed mildly sleep deprived. the poor girl was so confused and just utterly terrified being trapped in such a loud and terifying enviorment, she just wanted to escape from this digital prison which she felt trapped in. Suddenly she finds herself having a panic attack, and feels like regressing into her little space. By this point Pomni was crying uncomfortably, Jax is walking around in the hallway and he can hear Pomni sobbing uncontrolably-

-Changing POV
Jax's POV:

I was walking around in the hallways around the circus and I can hear what sounded like sobbing and yelling, I wanted to mock who ever it was but they sounded very upset and distressed.... and to be honest I felt bad, for once in my entire time being here i actually felt kinda bad for whoever this was sobbing... I followed the sounds and soon was led to Pomni's room, I felt very bad for her as she sounded really scared and upset. I wanted to continue walking by, to not try and bother her or even interact.. but I felt like I should comfort her, I gently knock on pomni's door not wanted to startle her, I hear the crying slowly come to what was almost a full stop, but i still heard sniffling. I knocked once more and I could hear Pomni shout out

"J-Just one second!"

Still Jax's POV:
I heard Pomni, but I could tell that she was trying to hide something, probably the fact that she was just having a fit and is probably terrified. it was likely whatever was making her cry. Soon Pomni opens her door I could definitely tell she was crying.

"H-Hey jax..." Pomni says,

"Hi Pomni, what is happening right now? You don't have to share with me but maybe i can help" Jax replies in a gentle tone

Pomni grabs Jax's wrists gently and she led him into her room

"Oh! Are you taking me inside?!!" Jax questions seeming a bit shocked

Pomni nods as a response before she hugged Jax and softly sobbed into his chest, Jax could feel Pomni's small frame shaking in his embrace which made him unsure how to handle the situation

"Pomni, i-its okay... it's okay... now, please tell me what is happening?" Jax said gently rubbing Pomni's back in a comforting and reasuring way

-Changing POV-
-Pomni's POV:

I have felt really anxious and scared recently since I'm still kind of transitioning to my new environment and body, and I want to age regress, not to mention about wetting the bed almost every single night, but Jax seems willing enough to provide me comfort. As i hugged him and began to let out my feelings I felt a bit happier. and as I cried I could feel Jax gently rub my back I began to tell him about everything that was happening in my mind... in my new life...

"Jax, I... I feel small sometimes and I can get emotional and scared easily... and I do this because of how stressed I get and I feel small right now" Pomni explains

"Oh, I understand... it's okay, are you okay with explaining what is making you feel stressed?" Jax says in a comforting tone to help calm down Pomni

"Its because... uhm... Jax, d-do I need to explain this" Pomni said about to cry

"No not at all! But I would definitely like you to talk to me" Jax replied

"Thanks, Jax... I can explain a bit... please don't tell anyone though..." Pomni asks

"I won't, i promise" Jax says

"Okay... since I no-clipped here I have felt really anxious and scared, I have also been wetting the bed at night from the stress... and it's a lot for me" Pomni replied as she started to tear up on the verge of crying

"Hey, hey, Pomni it's okay... I understand alright, this must be hard for you. But you got this, do you want to rest for a few minutes?" Jax asked Pomni

"Yes, sure" Pomni replied as she smiled a little bit

Jax's POV:
Since Pomni seems calmed down, I allowed her to rest for a bit. I left to prepare my room since Pkmni is likely more comfortable sleeping there i let her get changed and stuff while i was gone.

Time skip-

Still Jax's POV:
It's been a few minutes and I return to Pomni's room, she has changed into a diaper and a blue and red onsie, i then gently held her hand as I led her to my room. She seemed slightly nervous about being in the hallway, but I assured her it was safe. Once we get to my room I lay down next to her as she falls asleep-

This is part one and has minor changes from the original one i wrote on my old/main account

🎪🍼TADC Age Regression Oneshots🍭🎪  [PART 2]Where stories live. Discover now