Chapter 72

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He surveyed the round room but found no trace of Yi Wusheng. However, there were some slight marks on the ground.

After Yi Wusheng fell from the trap door, he seemed to have been drawn deeper into the tomb by something.

Xiao Fuxuan didn't delay any longer and immediately flew towards the depths of the tomb.

Having already walked the path once, he was naturally familiar with it when he retraced his steps. He even remembered the places where the statues of boys and girls were placed, so he paused briefly at each one, smashing the walls with his sword to take a look.

The more he looked, the darker his face became, because at every stop, he really could find a statue of a boy or girl.

The only difference was that the Great Sorrow Valley here had not "summoned" innocent commoners, so the statues of boys and girls were clean, without distorted bodies, scratch marks, or dried blood.

After walking all the way, there were still thirty-three statues of boys and girls, not one more, not one less.

Everything seemed like a kind of replication, but there was also an indescribable sense of unease.

As the tomb passage went deeper, this feeling became heavier.

Xiao Fuxuan flew to the end of the tomb passage and stepped into the largest round room.

As expected, this round room was filled with tall statues, like steep stone forests.

Ordinary people would need to look up high to see the faces of those statues clearly, giving a deep sense of oppression that made people afraid to speak loudly.

These towering stone statues also had niches at their feet, with inscriptions on the back of the niches, presumably the names of the statues.

The niches were covered with a thick layer of dust.

Xiao Fuxuan squatted down, reached out, and wiped away the dust, revealing clear words:

"Menggu, in charge of the Jingguan.
Houge, in charge of the Xuechi.
Sangfeng, in charge of the Budong Mountain."

Even the statues standing here were exactly the same.

Xiao Fuxuan could even feel a faint array flowing beneath his feet.

In the mortal world, these statues at the bottom of the Great Sorrow Valley collectively formed a huge array, which was used to suppress Yunhai, preventing it from seeing the light of day forever.

In this chaotic passage from hundreds of years ago, Yunhai was still alive, uncontrollable. So, what was the use of this array now?

Xiao Fuxuan pondered silently, walking through the giant stone statues. Suddenly, he noticed a problem.

He finally understood why there was always a sense of unease here.

Because the tomb under the Great Sorrow Valley was not a complete replica of the mortal world, but the opposite.

In the mortal world's Great Sorrow Valley, they had seen the giant stone statues with Sangfeng at the front, Menggu at the back, and Houge in the middle to the left.

But here, Menggu stood at the front, Sangfeng at the back, and Houge still in the middle of the group, but slightly to the right.

So, he had seen Menggu first, then Houge, and finally Sangfeng along the way.

The moment he realized this, Xiao Fuxuan recalled the statue of Yunhai at the entrance of the tomb and realized something was wrong.

He held up a white banner in one hand and a flower branch in the other, but his hands were reversed.

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