Chapter 37: Early mornings

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I slowly open my eyes. Yesterday was full of ducking, hiding, lying, regret, embarrassment and cuddling Stripe for 7 hours who, surprisingly, is still cuddled up next to me. I barley got any sleep so im not ready for another day of, again, ducking, hiding, lying, regret, embarrassment and cuddling Stripe for 7 hours. Okay maybe id be fine with that last one but thats not the point. The point is I fucked up. Trying to hide the rumor is hard enough and now I have to deal with the knowledge of what ive always done at parties... Hopefully, since I woke up before my alarm, I can get more sleep in.

I turn to my alarm clock and theres 3 minutes til it goes off.

There goes that extra sleep.

It may be broken but Tweek and Tricia always find a way to wake me up without it so I might as well get up before I change my mind.

I sit up and rub my eyes to wake myself up. I yawn and try my hardest not to move too suddenly or I risk waking my little ginny piggy. Dont tell anyone I just said that.

When I finally open my eyes, I spot an alien curled up on my fucking floor. I kick him with my foot and he flinches and mutters something before getting comfortable and lightly snoozing again.

My question is, WHY IS HE ON THE FLOOR?! He couldve slept on the couch or something!! When did he even get in here?! And whered all that "sharing is caring" bulshit enthusiasm go?! Why the floor??

"I feel like someones... Mmn.. Yawwnn talking ꀭꀧꇞ about me..." Tweek suddenly mumbles, taking me out of my thoughts.

"How did you kno- umm. How do you know someones talking... I wanna say.. Jit..? About you?"

He sighs and sits up stretching his arms and tail. "Well for starters... Ngh! Its ꀭꀧꇞ not Jit. Second, I have magic, Craig. I think id know when a pathetic lifeform is talking about me. Agh!"

Why is he speaking so aggressively today...?

"Well um.... Tweek.. Thanks for clearing up that word ill never understand. And uh- Why is this just coming up now?? Why didnt you ever mention you could tell when someones talking about you?!"

He stands up and stretches some more before messing with one of his gadgets. "Well you never aske-"

I grab him by his collar and pull him close to me. "THATS NOT WHAT I WANNA HEAR"



"Shhh!! Shush shh im sorry shhhhhh!!"


He suddenly got really quiet. I was gonna keep yelling at him but hes definitely hiding something from me. Maybe its personal like the reason he left his planet in the first place? But I dont care because surprisingly I have an acquired taste for gossip. Alien gossip that is.

"Come on tell me. I wont bite."

He begins nibbling on his nails. "N-now im scared youll bite me..."

"Id never."

"Youre scaring me...."


"Okayyyy!!! ACK!" He takes a deep breath before talking as fast as possible. "The magic from your sun is making my magic stronger..."

I blink. I look at around the room then to my window. I stare directly into the sun, my eyes burning into a sweet sweet painful crisp.


I roll on the floor clutching my face with my hands. I know Tweeks freaking out because hes screaming and stomping over my own screaming.




I stop rolling and take my hands off my face to look at him. "I didnt FORGET It just didnt occur to me at the time that all magic stars included the fucking SUN!"

Tweek starts grips his hair with both hands, letting me know that I am probably pissing him off. "Well for one, your eyes are fucking RED as ꀭꀧꇞ. And second- I THOUGHT YOU WERE SMART YOURE THE SPACE GUY."

I stand up and rub my stinging eyes before speaking. "Well im SORRY im so fucking autistic I looked into the goddamn sun! Im SORRY my life just got turned upside down by a dumbass alien so I forgot a SINGLE FUCKING DETAIL about the solar system!!!"

Just then... I hear the sound of Tweek ripping out his hair. He looks into my soul and I can feel, not only the hairs on my neck standing up but a shiver through my entire body.

He drops his hand to his side and after letting go of the hair he'd pulled out he clenches his fist and talks through gritted teeth. "Did you just call me.... A MOTHER FUCKING DAUMBASS ALIEN YOU DICK RIDING PILE OF HUMAN FECES?!"

See, there are two sides of Tweek. Theres pissed off and pissed the fuck off. Pissed the fuck off Tweek normally cusses a lot more in English than in Eep. Im saying this because ive never seen him use this many english cuss words in the 5 months hes been on this planet. Meaning, hes never been this mad before and he might actually kill me this time.

Tweek rips a gadget off of his arm and presses a few buttons before it turns into a giant axe.

I stand corrected.

"Tweek lets talk about this.... Im Craig remember? The guy who- Okay youre walking towards me now..." I start walking away from him. Every step he takes foward, I take a step back. "Im uh... The guy who took you im when you crashed landed! Ive been nothing but good to you!"

He scoffs. "Good to me? You havent been good to me. If anything you treat me more like a nuisance than anything."

"Wh-who taught you that big word-"

"Might I remind you what you did to me. Ignored me for a month, kicked me out of the bed on many occasions, you always make it seem like a chore when I need your help either pushing it off to the side or doing it upset, and the worst of it ALL.... CALLING ME AN ALIEN. IT NEVR FAILS."

I gulp and adjust my shirt collar. I actually did all that did I? I swear if I wasnt crushing on him I would not feel this bad. "L-look, Tweek... Just put the huge weapon down and-" Before I can get another word in he gets ready to swing, giving me enough tine to duck,avoiding fucking decapitation. "WHAT THE FUCK TWEEK?!"

He lifts his head and the axe.


Is all he says before he starts swinging it around like a lunatic.


"Youdont deserve to live."

I hop and duck and swerve and dodge l around my room trying desperately not to die. In all my dodging I notice Tweek backing me up towards the bed. Where Stripe is sleeping.

He lifts the axe again. "Die-"


Tweek stops immediately, giving me time to slip out of his way. He flings the axe into the wall and nearly falls. Instead of falling to the floor he turns himself to me, causing me to back up into the wall, where Tweek holds himself up. Both hands... On each side of me.


Is all I can think. Tweeks got me accidentally pinned to a wall. Apart from the fact that he literally tried to kill me just now, hes really hot up close I kinda wanna kiss-

Wait wait kiss? That wont help me... Hold on... I remember saying something about giving in to the temptations...... Oh yeah! This is just a little crush and itll go away easy so if I dont give in itll just make me want him more! Cool cool im really smart. Waait hes an alien... Thats pretty fucking weird-

Just then Tweek grabs my collar with both hands and pulls my lips onto his.

Suddenly, this isnt so weird anymore.

Theres an alien in my f#king bed...  ☆~CREEK~☆Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant