Chapter 19: Tweeks adventure pt.2

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"Craig Im so scared..."


"Really? Thank you Craig... You make me feel so safe.."

"Wow Tweek youre english is soooo much better."

"Really? Thanks Craig!"

"I FOUND IT. LOOK. Are you seeing it- Look look look."

"Seeing what?"

"The fact that youre dreaming. The things I said were things ive said in previous chapters."

"What? What previous-"


My eyes open and I see Clyde over me.

"Tweek? Oh god youre not dead... Can ali- I mean uhhh Norans die?"

I nod. My head really hurts.... I try to rub it but my arms are stuck behind my back... Oh god oh jeez!!!


He shakes his head frantically. "Shhh!!"

"Aye shut up back there!!!"

Ah! I stay quiet... I look around. Its bumpy and spacy. Is this a moving room? I turn to Clyde who looks at sad...

"Clyde wh-what is this?" I whisper.

He looks up at me. "A van. We're most definitely going to die."


The fan moves really hard making me hit my head!


Oh god... I start to shake. "I dont like this..... I should be fixing my ship right now... Ngh! This planet is terrible and now im gonna die...."

Clyde sighs "Im sorry. Maybe if I wasnt so stupid and if id been paying attention to our surroundings we would be okay right now..."

What was this feeling again? Simp.... Sim... Simba... Sympathy.... Yeah. I feel sympathy for Clyde.

"Its okay. Y-youre not- AcK! Youre not stupid! Youre really smart and if we die I guess id feel less scared cause im with my good human friend, Clyde." I smile at him. He smiles back.

"Well if we are actually gonna die.... I might as well spill my guts."


Spill... Guts..?


"Shhh! Not literally! I mean tell you a secret. I big one."

I stop and think. A secret? Oh I have to keep a secret thats too much pressure man.... Still though. I still nod and listen.

He takes a deep breath, "Im still not over Tolkien...."

I blink.

He blinks.

"What? You... Dont tell me you dont know..."

I blink again. Whats he talking about? Craig never mentioned Clyde having to climb over Tolkien. Humans climb over humans? Humans are weird.

"That youre supposed to be climbing over Tolkien? No."

"Wha- No. Come on Tweek!" He squints at me before sighing

"Look. To make a long story short, Bebe made me and Tolkien kiss and it made me.... Develope feelings. Feelings as in... I like him...."

He looks down all sad. Awe poor guy.... Hey wait a second..

Theres an alien in my f#king bed...  ☆~CREEK~☆Where stories live. Discover now