Chapter 3: Tricia

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I HATE TRICIA. Funny way to start but its true. She rushes into my room and closes the door to slow me down. I push it open and Tweek isnt here. Hes hiding.

"See no ones here- GET OUT."

Tricia looks at me like im an idiot. "Youre an idiot if you think im an idiot." She opens my closet and sure enough he was there. Fuck.

"What the fuking-"


I have to think of something.....

"Tricia its not what it looks like-"

"Youve got a cosplayer boyfriend?"


"Boy friend?" Tweeks antennas turn yellow. Why so many colors goddamnit?!

"No Trish, hes my um... Online friend from Japan! Hes cosplaying as some alien from some anime! And um... Right! Dont mind his English haha hes still learning!" Smooth.

".....Sweet! I know a little Japanese myself! Konichiwa!"

Tweeks antennas turn a darker yellow. "Wh-wha? Ko... Ko knee chee..."

I need to um.... Uh- "Karen get out."

"What? No! I need to-"

"OUT" I push her out and lock my door then go to my book shelf.

"Craig? What doing?"

I get my "Easy Japanese" Book.

"Tweek do that glowy thing to this book. Quick." He tilts his head. "I said you were Japanese. If you dont want anyone else knowing what you are then you have to speak it."

He nods slowly and takes the book from me, flashing it and giving it back completely empty.

"English and Japanese? T-too press-"

"Hush Tweek. You got this." He nods.

I open the door and Tricia zooms in.

"So his name is Tweek huh? Doesn't sound Japanese at all. Hes half?"

Half of what? She doesnt give me a chance to answer. She just pushes me out of the way!

"Hey!" I flip her off she does the same.

"So Tweek! You his boyfriend?" I look at him begging he says no.

"Uh-....What... Boy friend...?" Goddamnit he doesnt know.

"I got this!" Tricia clears her throat.

"(Is he your boyfriend?) Kare wa anata no kareshi desu ka?" I have no idea what the fuck she just said...

"No, Tricia. He doesnt know what a boyfriend is." She looks at me confused. "Not like im gay anyway. I keep telling you."

she looks at me annoyed. "Well have fun with your new friend bitch!"

She flips me off as she leaves. "Have fun at your sleep over bitch!" I return the favor.

"What a boy friend Craig?"

His antennas are flashing. I need to understand that.

"First I need to know why those shits are flashing. The antenna things..."

He looks at them then back at me.

"Oh sorry! When Noman feel strong emotion it flash." He poks at them.

"And the colors?" His eyes turn to me. Theyre kinda pretty i mean cool haha-

"Yellow is confuse. Green is scare. Pink is mad. Blue is normal. Purple is-"

"Theres more?!"

He flinches. "Y-yes. Ngh! Six there is!" Hes joking. Six colors to get down. Aliens.... So confusing.

"So um purple is cry and orange is happy."

Pink/mad. Orange/happy. Purple/sad. Green/scared. Blue/nothing or normal. Yellow/confused. And they flash when the emotion is strong. So just now he was really confused.

"What were you confused about?"

He jumps at my question. "Ack! Huh? Oh. What boy friend?"

Right um.... How to explain this.

"Like a guy friend that you hug kiss and fuck."

"Fuck? What fuck?" Here we go...

"You have a penis right?"

He thinks before nodding. "So its when you take your penis and you-"

Short Chapter sorry. Uhm im kinda busy so i have to endit here also i hate it also writers block or something byee

Theres an alien in my f#king bed...  ☆~CREEK~☆Where stories live. Discover now