Chapter 7: Homosexual

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The bell just rang telling everyone its lunchtime. On my way to the Cafeteria I can feel Clyde following behind like a duckling following its mother. Bebe Stevens. Thats me. The girl Clyde obviously has the biggest crush on. Its like hes completely forgotten about Tweeky being a Noran and is only focused on the next way to make his crush on me even more painfully obvious.

We dated in middle school for about 3 months. I was only using him for free shoes and when Wendy found out she went off. Yes she liked the idea because my collection was going up and my shoes were amazing but the look on Clydes face everytime he saw me broke her and eventually she went to tell him. He didnt come to school for a week after that and made Tolkien and Jimmy break up with me for him.

When he finally came back he gave me the silent treatment for weeks, only staring at me with three emotions; Hurt, Longing and Hate. So I went up to him, apologized and gave him a taco eraser. He immediately forgave me and apparently he never once used the eraser. According to Craig, he keeps it in a special case. Not surprised considering he is one.

We said we would be friends and hes liked me ever since. Unfortunately for him im not into short, stupid taco obsessed crybabies. Im into taller, smarter, cooler, more serious gi- People. Yes people.

"Bebe um..." There he goes trying to start a conversation.

"Yes Clyde?" I try not to answer with too much annoyance but I mean can you blame me? Im hungry and he didnt give me a chance to sit down.

"So... Right about Tweek! Why do you hang around him? I mean I know its to help Craig but-"

I shut him up right there. "Its not to help Craig. Its for operation CREEK."

"Operation whaaaa" I drag him to the table with the girls.

"We're all in on it."

He looks around and starts whispering. "Do they know...? About... Tweek..?" I shake my head and he sighs in relief. "So whats Creek?"

Red stands up. "Its CraigxTweek obviously. Keep up, idiot."

I can tell that comment hurt his ego but he shook it off.

"But Craig isnt gay and Tweek just got here... Im not sure hed fully understand what gay is." Hes so dumb yet so smart.

"Tweek obviously likes Craig already so why do we need to teach him what homosexuality is? Whats done is done is babes."

He nods. "But what about Craig?"

I put my hand on his shoulder to which he immediately tenses up. "We have to awaken his gay."

He thinks about that for a minute. "How do you awaken the gay in a guy who swears hes straight?"

Ah I was hoping he'd ask that. I need an example... My eyes spot a yellow T on a purple sweater. Perfect!

"Tolkiennnn!! Come here for a sec hun!" He looks at me confused before walking over and waving. He looks at Clyde. "Whats going on?"

"I just asked Bebe how you awaken the gay in someone who isnt gay."


"Dont ask Tolk. So? How do you do it?" I crack my knuckles.

"Like so!"

And with that I grab the back of their head and smash their lips together. They stay like that for a while before separating, looking at each other with shock, confusion and of course homosexuality.

"Bebe!!! What the fuck?!" Oh yeah his girlfriend was here wasn't she? Sorry Nichole..  "And you! Why do you- You enjoyed that didnt you?!" And she storms off.

"Wait! Baby! Nichole! Come back!" And Tolkien chases after her.

"Wait Tolkien we need to talk!!" and Clyde chases after him.

I look at the girls and everyone is equally shocked except for Stans wonderful girlfriend.

"Why are you looking at me like that Wends? Is it so bad that I find joy in gaying up straight guys?" She worsens her look. "Okay just think of it as a way to get Clyde off my tits!"

She sighs. "Bebe."

"What girl?? You see how he looks at me! He wants under my bra and panties!"

She sighs again. "Seriously though? Tolkien? A taken man?"

I shrug. "I see the appeal. Too bad for you if ya dont."

And with that I sit down and eat my lunch finally free of love struck Clyde Donovans.

"Are you sure Tweek really likes Craig?" I choke on my water.

I um... Dont know. As much as it may seem like im always around them im really not so theres no way I could be sure.... Craig doesnt like me. But to be honest he doesnt like anyone...


"I pleade the fifth." She groans at me and the girls giggle.

Ill get into it soon enough. I made two guys question their sexuality not too long ago. I can do it again. With help of course...

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