Chapter 10: Same boat

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After the cafe we went home. It was pretty late so we immediately got ready for bed. As of now im on the couch because apparently im broken and im abiding by a schedule. I get to sleep in my own bed tomorrow.

I pull out my phone start scrolling through twitter. If I dont think about it, it wont bug me. Right? I just scroll and scroll. Its not helping at all. Unexpectedly, I get a text from Clyde. Its 11pm. He shouldnt be up right now.

Crybaby🖕💀: Craaaaiggggggg i. Comng to your jouse dony bw mad im soery

Okay thats weird. Is he drunk or crying..? I sit up and text him back.

ME: Wat tf for?

Crybaby🖕💀: You weent listening to mw tosay werr you??:(

ME: Not rlly no. Y?

Crybaby🖕💀: IM BROKEN

Hes... Broken? Whats that supposed to mean? If he means what I think he means we might just be in the same boat. I dart my eyes from the door to my phone.

ME: Broken how?
ME: Hello?
ME: Clyde istg. COME BACK

Before I can text him as many death threats as I can muster, I hear a quiet knock at the door. At least hes smart enough to know people are sleeping in here. I get up off the couch and open the door only to be greeted by a sobbing Clyde Donovan, which honestly isnt uncommon. Except... This time it wasnt funny. He wasnt screaming like a baby. He was quiet.

I put down my usual deadpan expression and pull my friend inside. Clyde was definitely one of the few people Id actually do this for no matter how much I say I hate him or make fun of him. It wasnt often but id actually show him sympathy in his times of need. This was definitely one of those times.

I pulled him to the couch and sat him down. I sat next to him and rubbed his back waiting for him to calm down. Once I felt like he was okay I made my move. "What happened?" He sniffs and looks down.

"Its Tolkien. He broke me...." My eyes widen. Was I right?


"After Bebe made us kiss today I.... I felt something. It was only a forced peck. I kinda hurt. But I felt something Craig. And he says he didnt and- And he has Nichole already so-" He starts to cry again.

So I was a little right.... We are kinda in the same boat. Kinda. Tweek broke me too. Hes getting special treatment from me and I cant figure out why considering hes just some alien weirdo. In Clydes case hes crying over a taken man and cant figure out why considering he could have sworn he was straight. Yeah. I can read Clyde like a book when im not ignoring him.

Eventually he begins to speak again. "Whats wrong with me? Im supposed to like Bebe... Im supposed to be upset because she doesnt like me back.... Because she ships me with my taken friend but im NOT!! Im upset because I cant have Tolkien! Im upset because he doesnt want me!! HE BROKE ME-" I cover Clydes mouth before he can yell anymore.

"I know youre really confused but people are asleep Clyde. Tone it down a notch please?" He sniffs and apologizes before hugging his knees to his chest. I cant help him but... It might make him feel better to know hes not the only one who feels broken.

"Hey Clyde um... Im not heart broken but.... I think Im broken too. It was like Tweek has the upper hand today without even doing anything." Clyde looks at me shocked. "Well I say today but I really mean a while... I let him do whatever he wants to do and I dont do a thing about it. Like if you made us a schedule for my bed and the couch id simply kick you out."

"Harsh.." He snickers a little. Then I do the same until it turns into laughter.

We laugh and laugh until it dies down and we're just staring at the blank tv screen.

I speak up. "Clyde? You think youll be okay?"

He shrugs. "Only one way to find out right, Craigory?" I nod. And now im done. Hes happy, im tired, hes out.

"Alright get out, motherless."

He scoffs dramatically. "That is soooo mean!! I was just crying my eyes out over a broken hearrtttt!" Now hes being annoying.

I kick him out and lie down on the couch. We might be fine. I say might because Clyde has it the very worst. Id laugh if I didnt actually feel bad.

Theres an alien in my f#king bed...  ☆~CREEK~☆Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora