Chapter 16: Am I gay?

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Tweek took my hand in his. He smiled. I smiled too. The entire world disappeared around us. Just me and him... Surrounded by a black void..... Weird but hes so pretty I cant even be fucked.

He tucked his antenna behind his ear. Why are they so hair like? Dont they stick up? "Craig.... What if we kissed?"

Wow... He just asked that.....

Could we?

Tweek wraps his arms around my neck. He stares at me lovingly and says in a low whisper, "Well I asked didnt I...?"

I feel my face heat up as I hesitantly wrap my arms around his waist. His tail wraps around me. It can do that??

I- Um-

He puts a finger to my lips. "Shhhh....."

Sorry I- This is all so much... Im-

He starts to shiver. "Seriously! Theyre watching....!!" They..? Who?!

"Craig is GAY!!!"

The mayor! Shes huge!!

Tweek lets go and abandons me as more giant people surround me.

"Craig is gay"

"Craig is gay"

"Craig is gay"

No im not! SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!





The void slowly turns into a court room. Tricias the judge. Oh great....

"Craig Tucker you have been charged of being a homosexual! How do you plead??"

Not gay!

Everyone starts yelling at me gay slurs that should not be said out loud, online, or in your own head. Tricia hits the hammer.

"ORDER!! Craig I sentence you to life with Tweek the alien!"

Tweek appears out of thin air and grabs me. "IM NOT AN ALIEN IM NOT IM A NORAN" He shakes me and shakes me.

Tricia hits her hammer again. "Wake up Craig! WAKE. UP. WAKE-"



I sit up and im face to face with Tricia who is shaking me like a madwoman. Oh.... It was all a dream.... Shit... I have to figure this gay out... Todays mission!

Find out if im a gay! Shit... That was fucking gay.

Tricia stomps on the ground, bringing me back to reality once again. "Craig! Get ready! Jeez!"

"Okay! Shut up!"

I shoo Tricia away, stand up and stretch. We never did sleep together like we- Ehm... I- HN! He wanted to!! I ended up sleeping on the couch anyway cause Tweek locked the door after um.... Last night.. So my backs definitely sore.... Goddamnit. Without context that sounds pretty goddamn gay.

I go upstairs, greet Tweek. Surprisingly we both managed to pretend nothing happened last night. Which it didnt! Nothing happened at all! Everythings normal! I grab my hat and quickly feed Stripe before brushing my teeth then getting dressed.

I need to get to school fast. I cant figure out if im gay by staying home- Wish I could cuz school sucks.

On my way out my mom calls me, "Craig! Come eat something!"

Theres an alien in my f#king bed...  ☆~CREEK~☆Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum