Chapter 6: Clyde the detective

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My name is Clyde Donovan. I go to South Park high in a town called... South Park. Theres this new kid. Hes been here for about a week and he isnt normal. I know for a fact he isnt normal... He just shows up out of nowhere and hes always around Bebe and Craig. Craig knows I like Bebe so he wouldnt do that to me! Also they arent even a good pair!! Anyway he doesnt know a lot of things, hes too strong for his own good, hes so jittery and twitchy and jumpy, Craig even calls him an alien sometimes. Everyone thinks im stupid but im sure... Tweek isnt human... And Craig is gay for him.... Baha kidding. I know Craig isnt gay I just like getting under his stupid skin cause he always calls me ugly and fat and dumb and motherless. Tolkien says all but that last one is a lie! And we're not gonna talk about what Jimmy and Bebe said....

Anyway! Im gonna find out if my hypopis... High... Hipopiesis.... Im gonna find out if my guess is true! Right now im in class... Just watching... Tweeks shaking and twitching.....

"Tweek. Can you read question 27?"

I hear Craig mumble out a "Fuck." and Bebe bites her lip. Hm.... Sketchy...

"U-uhm... Okay! Ack!" Hes standing up.... Craig and Bebe look anxious.

The teacher didnt call on them.... I write it down in my Clyde the detective journal which is totally not some dollar store book with the words "Diary" on the cover... Yeah.

"Um... Oh jesus..... R-Ray ate seven apples... She d-divid... Deveed..... Um... Diveled them by the c-circum- TOO MUCH PRESSURE!!!!!!" And he flips the table and pulls his hair. I may not understand what the question meant but even I could read that.

Ray ate seven apples. She divided it by the mass of the sun. How many oranges did uncle Gran grow?

Anyway thats the 2nd time he interrupted class this week. Its thursday. Bebe and Craig extange looks and Craig groans before getting up and calming Tweek down.

Cartman whispers "Gay homosexuals just like Stans dog." resulting in a punch from Kyle and a yelp from Cartman. But this isnt about those smelly guys.

Craig escorts Tweek out and Bebe sighs. "Now what the fuck just happened? Thats a new one aye class?" I wont let them get away this time... While everyones distracted i make my grand escape..... "Clyde where in the hell are you going? Everyone can see you tryna get out of here."

Shit Mrs. Garrison Garrison spotted me! "DONT TELL MY DAD. IM SORRY." And off I go... Into the unknown...

"Now calm down Tweek."

"I-I cant Craig! How many times have I embarrassed myself in front of the- Ngh! Class because I cant read ꉣꌚꀗꂦ ingleesh?!!"

"Its English Tweek. And can you please stop saying words in that Eel shit? Is that what you called it?"

"No its not Eel you ꂦꀗ. Its ꈼꈼ꒒."

"Same thing."

"No its not!! Come on let go in the janitors closet. I dont want anyone to see..."

What the hell? Whats a ꉣꌚꀗꂦ and a ꈼꈼ꒒ and a ꂦꀗ??
(Somehow has perfect ꈼꈼ꒒)

What are they hiding in there? Oh my god are they gonna make out? I run up to the door and listen.

"Oh my god did you lock it?"

"No shit I always do."

"Good cause I need to let my ꉣꌚꍩꂠ꒻ꈼ recharge."

They gonna make out in there..? Ah sick Craig didnt lock it like he said he did! I dont wanna ruin my innocence but I must... For discovery!! I carefully turn the nob and slowly open the door. I peak through the little crack and then the door slams back on my nose.




Oh my god.. Anyone with a single braincell could tell.....

"TWEEKS AN ALI-" Someones got hold of of mouth!! Noo im being attacked!!! Their hand smells like flowers!!!!

"Clyde stop struggling you idiot!!" Bebe! I knew it.... She knows everything and now she knows I know everything and wants to kill me... But detective Clyde knows ways around this sort of thing.


"Clyde- Oh my god!!"

She eventually shuts me up and drags me away from my amazing scientific discovery.

"Well now you know. Tweek isnt human like hes leading on. And aparently you were stupid enough to figure it out."

I dont know if thats an insult or not. All I know is that she is pretty.

"Um. What was I gonna... Right! Im not stupid! I found out Tweek was an alien!"

"DO NOT. Say alien. I know to us alien means 'Not human' but to Tweek its very offensive and he gets violent as youve already seen."

Oh yeah! Everytime Craig would call him that Tweek would go batshit and try to kill him resulting in multiple detentions! Ive got that down in my Clyde the detective journal.

"Yeah ive seen... So what is he?"

She looks at me very closely. Wow..."You have to remember this. Hes a Noran."

Noran... I write that down in my Clyde the detective journal.

"Is that a diar-"



"GAHHHHHHHHH" Thats the bell and thats Tweek.

Wow... Theres an alien in my f#king school!

Theres an alien in my f#king bed...  ☆~CREEK~☆Where stories live. Discover now